Friday, December 15, 2006
Vision 07
What fuck?why sunday?
coz my dad have to return on sunday.the reason im here is that my dad has to attend a meeting and its on tomoro.and the day after tomoro i have to get my ass back to must make full use of tomoro.
and plz excuse my spelling.i dont care bout spelling it right anymore.(did i even spell things right before?)
beeteedoubleyou, the penjaga business center here juz farted.hell yes!too bad, kinda nice lookin chick, but theres only me and her over here.adoi.
so everything is new.i decided to bring my boney arse out of kmk coz i sucked at my papers.:B
therefore, am leaving for uitm, doing investment analysis.diploma.arau.perlis.heh, so im gonna leave for a place far away from my parents.for the first time.somehow i feel kinda good.
so i have to bump my shit up for that one.i dont want to screw things like ive did here in, my vision for 2007 is get at least a 3.67 and get myself sponsored by mara to the us doing, i have to bold this sentence up.and yes i jus gladly i cant fuck up this time around.hopefully.wish me luck.
ok now, its almost one hour, have to go out myself now, if not the kakak penjaga will kick my butt out for me.ciouz.
and its rm5 per hour.WOW!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Tuna is the best fish in the world!
and oh, result is on 4th of dec.have to pack my bags then.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Editorial job, fm 07, food and crap.
i am in the editorial board if u dunno.
and im the sub-editor for report writing.i didnt even know there was such post in the editorial board coz i thought everyone there does the same thing, report writing.but how lame of me.yeah.
and shut up.
there was more to that.everyone does different things afeterall.yeah, obviously.shame of me being an avid reader of fhm i didnt even notice such things in the credit page juz under the editor's post.blurgh.and shut up.oh, since different ppl does different thing over there, i do all the report writing.cwaps.
oh yeah, and how did i even dipped my arse into this youre asking?i bagged for the post coz it is the only post with jawatan in it that i seriously lacking in my kokum vitae.and i bagged from this one dude who happens to be my friend from pfs.yeah.and sheril did some recommendations bout me.thats what friends are for aint it?;D
anyways, juz after the exam i bought myself football manager is damn serious fuck those who havent bought it!i have one!!!yeah!!!i have been playing it like almost 18 hours a day during the one week hols everyday.of coz, am a milan manager.not gonna write more shyte that gonna bore u peeps here (if there are any peeps reading this on which i seriously think none).it was damn fun, thats it.
yesterday nite was was aplenty and they all taste mentor did an open house yesterday.went there, ate nasi ayam, satay, lemang and watched espn. hell it was damn fun.and there i was with my fellow mentees watching cikgu Azman's son whome i supposed the one who always gelak kat mangkuk yg tak tau buat kimia.yeah, sif his todler son knows chemistry.kay, not gonna talk bad bout him.his a nice guy wahahahahaha nice fun i had last nite.oh, and i even had spaghetti after my dorm.cikgu hayazi yesterday evening was fun.simply fun.and heavenly xD
so this week no quiz and ill be free like a cuckoobird next week since 3 out of 5 teachs will go for kursus for one have to burn all that fat, am getting unfit planning to fly.BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
so, thats it i suppose.tonite there'll be more makan-makan for sambutan hari raya.damn i juz love makan-makan.and can balik rumah after that play fm 07.they shud do this more often.
edit : wonder how i got the subeditor post.i suck at writing!blurgh...
Monday, October 23, 2006
Esok Raya
Had anaand in my house during Deepavali.his house got flooded.had like an almost 2-hour chatter, forgot to serve him drinks.i didnt bother tho, i was fasting anyway.talked bout the good all days and the dreadful present days.oh, he came to hand me some home-made (i pressume its home-made) murukus and i gave him sum biskut raya.he was home alone.pitiful.happy Deepavali anyway.
Shant brought Bayu to his house for Deepavali/Raya.Indon fella.his name sounds *coughs* gay.havent met that *coughs* shorty in a long while tho.
Tomorrow is Raya.This year's raya is gonna be dull, i tell ya.Don't make me listen to raya songs, they make me cringe... raya pun rasa dah tak semangat coz after raya got 1st sem is coming up exactly 5 days after 1st day of raya.hopefully i wont get fucked by the papers.already thinking bout doing business studies at sunway.Aih,life... i miss form 3.havent been living since then.
I didn't buy baju raya this year.Don't have the time and the cash.all i have for raya was the same blue-black baju melayu i bought for matrix.sigh.
A few days back i had a chat with radhiya's friend on YM.turned out she's an arsenal fan.not man u.sigh.why the arsenalllll???
Back to raya, my sis is busy with her work, cant return home for instead my parents will go down raya at her place.pitiful for her.sapa suruh kerja private :D.on another note, my bro returned home dee by kenot enjoy his 4wd cracked up audios.oh, and he is playing football manager like sheebye.of coz he cheats in the game.i dont bother neway coz am playing different files.
I have a lot to talk bout actually but i have to study.blergh!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
"Terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada pengerusi majlis yang tersesasul seperti saya juga"
that was an insult.
yeah, seems that the only blunder i made that day was saying, "para hadirin boleh duduk" and "terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada cik aqillah" (dont ask me why ppl laughed after i said that one) and a few shaky spells trying to pronounce difficult words were such a hit.yea, so what ur asking?why was i the mc?
here goes.a few days ago, i was approached by the kelab pengucapan umum punya prez, and he said "zaid, awak akan jadi mc isnin nanti coz tak der wakil lelaki lagi".note:i happened to be one of 4 guys in that female dominated club and i was the only one available.the other 2 chickened there i was, being a scapegoat and was thrown way into the least i survived.and was an instant hit ;D.
my chemsitry lecturer said i shud become a radio dj.he said my voice is like chocolate to the ears.perempuan cair!yea... am hoping for a post i can fill at
i got mix reviews from my friends.sheril said i sounded lyk a pro and indeed shud become a radio dj.adib and fendi said i fucked out loud!i guess i fucked out loud indeed.whatever.
So, why am i making such a big fuss out of this youre asking?its my stage debut man where everone listens to what i say.
hopefully i wont have to do this shyte again.
twinkle twinkle little star
imprisoned in here makes you go gila
... especially if ur the famous mc zay-8 ;D
Thursday, September 28, 2006
My outing card entries are full, i have to buy another one and itll cots me rm2.thats the cost of freedom around here.and the shyttiest thing was that i have all week to buy one from the hostel head but i forgot.until juz now, which is already too late.and i have to wait till nex week.blergh... so i am stuck over here in the college imprisoned by the gates.
On another note, the cc still havent opened yet and it has been that way since last month.much to my displeasure.heard rumours that the Kelab Usahawan is going to take care of it.usahawan my arse, if this is how their doing business around here their fucked up for gud.
So am using the library's one.Surprise surprise,i can access friendster from here.Nothing much over there though.Its a welcomed change.congrats to teh library.
Quiz is on saturday, yet again.this time its chemistry and math.I cant seem to digest the fact that im having classes on saturdays.Please. i need brake.Dont take away my saturday!!!
Btw, about the muet thing, im candidate A, and i happened to be the only machismo over there.the other 3 are much for having more guys than 0.o???
Went to the pasar ramadan the other day (in front of masjid air merah), met radhiya and her cute friend hani.wahhhh... had a chat with radhiya.but had none with her friend.dou!so much for the chance wasted.anyhow, the pasar is small, served good food though especially this ikan bakar which i really like.taste like heaven... warghhh... -have-to-quit-typing-bout-food!!!damn, my tummy's crying rite n.n
Talking bout pasar, that reminds me that i need to buy bathing soap (i keep on typing soup juz now... warghhh!!!) and the ko-op had juz closed.have to borrow from a friend :B
And i have to buy credit for my phone.juz expired 2 days ago.blurgh!
Football action is back.Croutch scored a brace and one of them came from a killer cycle kick.i was surprised shyte.But after you clicked here you have to believe this man.Milan notched another 0-0 draw for the second match running.Defensively, we're doing fine, but we cant juz over-rely on inzaghi and kaka for our attacking ammo.milan needs strikers/attacking midfielders!
So thats all the time i have.Am signing out!Peace!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Saturday Blues
Neway, there was this public speaking competition held by Kelab Pengucapan Umum on which i was part of.i did nothing really considering me myself was at lost on what to do and wherebout should i go.anyhow, the competition went well, was held at the royal balcony, nice atmosphere and the competition reveals talents of future politicians from my college.yea... especially this fella called syed, "hujah saya disokong oleh sumber-sumber seperti mastika"... i have to sokong that one ;P seems that a public speaking competition is more like a stand up comedy thing.... the result was unknown coz itll be announced some time later which i dunno when.yeah, the ignorance... more like unalert thing... blergh
Ramadan is coming and i have to practice not eating every 3 hours.its a welcome relief(sp?) coz my tummy looks like it has a 3 months fetus in it.i have to exercise... but then again ramadan is on tomorrow, no exercise... there, my new year's resolution got burnt!!!muahahahaha!!!
So ive changed my blog looks strikingly better than the last one, wonder why i didnt change it its to put the number "2" coz someone else already had the same exact url.aih... same usual stuffs are still there, the pacman, the vids and oh, the header... its half filled.cant figure what's wrong.tried everything from resizing and such, still the header nampak sekerat.blergh... the complexity of html shyte.
Btw, about the girl that i was writing about in my last blog, still havent approached her yet.i dont think its possible to do it at this sort of time.the finals is coming in less than 2 months time.the fet peeps will have it on next week.i feel weak... wish me luck guys.i need all the luck in the world right now till finals ends.please.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Mandi, Siti Kawen, and Some Usual Rambling.
But the worst happened on last last saturday (i meant the sat before merdeka)... of all days... coz the water ran was evening and no proper bathe for the inmates until one guy, hamidi went nuts and took the fire hose and pulled it into the bathroom and used it for shower.Believe it ppl.And yes, i meant the one used by firemen to put off fire!!!So much to the joy of everyone the bathroom place and the bathroom entrance were wet, i was slipping and i fell and landed on my boney arse and felt a bad concussion thing in my head.Luckily my head was still working properly but most important of all, i was spared from humiliation cos no one saw it, i guess :B.but i think got ppl heard of it... but i dont think they even bothered.blergh.
Merdeka day was surprisingly boring.spent the nite playing football (yeah, fm... fixed it coz i was bored like madcow) and although its too late to talk bout it, siti got married to datuk k.nothing much to talk bout them other than ur wedding shyte was like all over the place.BORING! and unimportant.i heard it was discussed in the parliament.omg, siti.... plz lah... malaysia is going backwards, dont speed em up!
Other things that cought my attention is dr m lost the kubang pasu delegate place.i smell a complot against him.plz lah pak lah.u have sent us backwards dee, dont send us further back!oh, and koizumi will step down as jap's pm in a short time from now.yeah, sif this politics shyte is important...
oh btw, star trek has been given a makeover.nice.i guess.but i dont bother neway, no tv.
I think i failed my chemistry.i was underprepared.i only knew about the quiz 2 periods before quiz.Expect longshots and made up calculations in the paper.fucked up the first question coz i mistakenly took the mol number for SO2 instead of SO3.ass!i havent been this stupid... but i managed to answer half of em, but i dont expect all of them to be right.oh, and on saturday (should change the name into Sad-dur-day lah) there will be quizESSS.four of em.start off with agama (crap -.-") then chemistry (again!), physics and lastly math.I.WILL.DIE.seems that saturday is hari kuiz sekolej... blergh!
It has been raining cats and dogs at home rite now and currently my washed clothes are hanged outside in my hostel area.and it juz rained.
Oh, and btw, i lost my undies after sending my clothes for washing to the dobby was scary.i was like "why the hell it must be me???why my undies???" kinda mode.went gila for a while until one of my dormmate told me that undies cannot be sent to the dobby thing coz... it is stated in the notice outside the dobby room's wall which i only found out about it last saturday(yea i know, slalu balik rumah dobi tapi nak try jugak skali).and near the drain, in a pile along with other ppl's undies were 3 of my precious undies on which i shamelessly brought it up to my cube in my dorm with my bare hands.5 stars for bravery and an assup for doing a stupid mistake like that on which i wont repeat typing.
Was having a chat with my friend a few days back.he was saying that there was this horny chick from his class wanna have sex with him.and only during her manstruation.sounds made up but if its true, damn!why him!!!? :B .and masyallah :D
wohoho, college students nowadays... aih
Met a chick.radhiya's friend of all ppl.loves football and a nice girl nontheless.met her at the "newspaper centre" (the place where they put selected sections from the newspapers (special pullouts; star mag, NST-EPL pullout werent there unfortunately) on clipboards... (whoah, notice that double brackets thing in the sentence.i thought only math equations have it... blergh...))am gonna date trying currently.
Back to merdeka stuff, there was this thing around the college where ppl can order muffins, choc cake, other audible stuff and dedicate it to someone in the college.continuing the tradition that i got from the school (finally i obtained something from that big bad skool ;D) i ordered two and received two.from anna and mariah (obviously those are made up names v.v).yeah, i bought it to myself.why want to buy good stuff for other ppl you barely knew?neh, its chocolate and am not gonna send it to other peeps.ok, i shared the choc thing coz i cant finished it myslef.there, the tamak-ness... but at least i shared :D
So, its ashraf's bday today.and alhadi's too.and another one also from my, so many bday boys today.heh, happy 18th bday, have a cigar and go clubbin coz now ur in legal age.
Im out of words to say.Unless.its.BYE BYE!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Black Monday, Bleak Sunday, Futbol and Hello New Peeps
"Assalamualaikum, kepada semua ahli kelab pengucapan umum, sila hadir ke perjumpaan di bilik 511"
Being the first to register to this club during the club registration day, i happened to be a member, but since i was committed to other activities (kawad kaki, on which i was dropped at the very last minute coz they "unwillingly" have to sacrifice one member for kakom) i missed the earlier meetings.So, what did i do?Out of the blue, my legs "willingly" carried me to the room 511.
It was a mistake.
When i entered the room, i saw a gay looking guy and a few girls, around 7 of them i guess.As i entered, as if there was this jesus christ aura i have, they were all staring at me as if im ET.
And i was staring at all of them.As if i juz arrived on another planet.:B
So the meeting commenced and they were all talking something that i desperately tried to pick up and make sense.I was surprised tho, the club that im in have been organising a public speaking competition and seems that their publicity group failed tremendously.I happened not to know a bloody shyte about them!Anyways, like the usual thing in Malaysian culture, i saw a few ppl coming in during the meeting.They were late.And they are members.And all of them are girls, cept for another gay looking guy, they were 3 boys altogether.Nak kiamat dah i guess.And they were all staring at me.Yeah, yeah, im Et, so what!-.-"
And the first gay looking guy (whom i first saw when i entered the room, who also happened to be the president!!!) put front a member's suggestion (who was absent that day and also happened to be my classmate!!!aswana's the name).And it sounded like this... uhm...
"Sbg member kelab, aswana suggest kita buat public speaking kat foyer, apa2 pun boleh, pantun ke, forum, syair, etc sbg aktiviti kelab.Ada guna speaker system"
Bloody screwed.
That was how it sounded,and it smelled shyttish.And soon enough i discovered, i smelled shyte.Each member of the club have to contribute to this project but i diplomatically "declined" it by saying "biar saya fikir sat" on which it means "tak mau".The idea of doing it at the foyer is scary.Doing it with speaker system is suicide.Tho in terms of publicity, its gold.But in terms of untrained ppl like me, its public humiliation.So i chickened out.and i wasn't alone :B
On another note, the prez gave me a post in seranta.I asked him wtf seranta is and he said its the publicity unit.Say, im speechless.Publicity.hehe...
So there goes, the monday i wish to forget.aih...
On another hand, tomorrow is sunday.I have to send 4 lab reports and 3 of them are physics.Thatll be my bleak sunday.
Last week, my college held a battle of the band thing.4 bands joint, saiful was one of them, i wasn't :B.Saiful played the bass, and he sang!He sang the song "warning" from class has 2 vocalists in the competition, and one played the drums and guitar, i was a blissful nite since i have nothing to do that nite (kay, i shouldntve lied, i have LOTSA ASSignments to do... aih).Saiful's band lost, even tho he performed well.Blergh...
And, 2 weeks ago, my class had welcomed 6 new students from the h and i class.Sheril is one of them.MUAHAHAHAHA.cwapz, more kelantanese/ t'ganuans... but all in all, got to be nothing much of a different, isn't it?=P
So, epl has started.Carlos tevez signed for west ham... of all teams... certainly it sounded like a joke when i first heard of it on tv.I thought i misheard or something... but yeah, its official... tevez is a west ham utd player... scary.Milan signed ricardo olievera for euro 10m.Obafemi martins gone to newcastle from inter for 10m pounds and arse got ashley for 5m pounds plus gallas.idiots.oh, and arse sent reyes back to spain with baptista coming in exchange of the spaniard.Milan shouldve signed more players at the back :B
Kay, i guess thats it for the time being... am gonna leave with my current fav band (yea... current).Introducing something for kate's cigarrette and suitcase
Friday, August 18, 2006
football manager is too.
so what did i do until 3am?
playing football and the goddamn drive c was running out of free was scary, the pc was working in slow motion, everytime i typed in something, the text appeared after about 5 s, creep.
so i moved some files into my drive f.
i thought it was all right and good by then, indeed the pc is now running faster, smoother, etc but somehow i cant save my football manager game.i lost all of my old files in that game and i realised my 1 year hard labour of managing football teams has jus been thrown out of the window.i lost all files :B including the one on which i was offered the job of becoming the italian national team manager.screwed.
so now, i feel sad.
since im too lazy to sort out the accident, i realised that ive been too addicted to the game (i realised it months earlier tho).ive been playing the game since form 4 and i guess the strings of bad results i got is because of doubt bout, i wanna do something new, i wanna start afresh, i want to study harder :B
juz received my mid sem was hell!no joke.HELL!!!for the first time in 7 years, i got a C for my was fact in that 7 years, i didnt even get anything less than an A (no, im not tyring to brag around)... i still havent told my mom bout this.i dont want to dissapoint really hoping that finals can bump my shit up; otherwise, im fucked.
so after friday prayer i went to bsn and bought a uitm number.still havent filled in yet.i'll do it next week.must think of a course that i really like... no more science shyte, i swear.btw, talking bout friday prayer, pak lah came to my mosque for the prayer.but i didnt see fact i guess he wasnt even there!but his chronies were there.i swear the pak imams were ushering his chronies and not pak lah!he couldnt be so plump!syeikh fadzil(wtv the spelling is... sorry for those bothered) came a lil too late, no escorts for, no pak lah.oh, and becoz of this thing too i have to park my car outside the mosque, near some housing area.sux0rz!i lost my parking lot to some prime minister!if there wasnt any police i would have gone in and park in the usual place!anyhow, the khatib sounded different today.i think it was some other khatib, maybe imported elsewhere for the pm's visit.sound bersemangat and i think noone was dozing v.v"
so, it has been a long time since i posted something, blame it on football manager.whenever i turn on the pc, thats the thing i always play.forget the bill payments, chill out with friends in pasific, jogging, ride bikes, studying, blogging... fm comes first.but not anymore now since i lost all my game files!man, how i hate the game!yet i still love the game!!!i shouldve uninstall it... wait till i end my matrix and buy the 06/07 lame... cure me lord!
still have lab reports to do.god damn lab reports!!!science is evil!religion is good!!!i guess camarlengo vantressa(sp?) got that right... yeah, juz finished pak cik dan's malaikat dgn setan...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
- Call my ns buddies for some gathering... in Pasific (i wanna play bowling :B)
- Visit my bro/sis in kl
- Visit shark, shant, farah, anyone whose in kl rite now
- Change my friendster profile... (havent changed it for like... since ns 0.o???)
- Drive in Penang ISLAND... still havent tried that yet... i guess this is teh time v.v
- Learn to curb my tendencies of typing the "..." thru chatting and forums (im such a forum ho!xD)
- Hopefully i have time to change my blog layout... its too "playhouse disney"-looking... i want black :B
- Write more songs now that i have the guitar.
But it has been 2 days dee and ive been doing none of the above so far... So what did i do in the last 2 days?Wake up at 10am, play football manager, lunch, tv, nap, wake up again, watch tv+dinner, more football manager+download mp3s till 3am and it seems that this is the trend which is likely to follow suit for the next one week till i leave for kl next friday to visit my bro/sis (ok, get that one checked for next week).
I need life... so therefore i wanna wake up early tomorrow and go jogging.
Hopefully i can wake up early :B
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Untitled 1
anyway, test is on next week.on tuesday and wednesday and i guess i'll get screwed (hopefully not larrr...) coz i juz received my math quiz result and i got a x<50.i admit getting less than 50 is nothing unusual in my mid-school life but hell, im scared shyte rite now coz of this :B... so this is how my mid-sem schedule will go... on tuesday i'll have to seat for math, physics and english, and on wednesday, kimiaaaa... all have to be taken in 1 hour with 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or even 8 questions have to be answered.
pray for me.
anyhow, i guess ive been a lil bit too late to rejoice in italy's world cup triumph... watched teh final... in my college... everyone was awake at the time, heavy-eyelids-and-foul-breathed ppl were everywhere sitting and staring at the 29' screen (if im not mistaken) like football-mad zombies...
you know... zombies v.v BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!
but it was great fun, coz italy won!!!XDXDXD... everyone enjoyed the goals (cept for zidane's spot kick goal... it was chicken!) but have to wait till penalties and that sux... coz everything habis at almost 6am.i usually bathe at 5:45am... but hell who cares... italy won!!!FORZA ITALIA!FORZA AZZURI!!!FORZA FERRARI(0.o?)!!!yeah!!!ferrari!!!...schumi won the last 2 gps... gud for him... =P
gtg now... wait for my next post... hopefully its not entitled as :Untitled 2" xD
p/s : listen to sigur ros "untitled 1" by clicking the play button at the boz juz below pacman.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
shoot me
so its italy vs france... aka the azurri vs les chickens... my prediction?italy 3-0 france with luca toni scoring a brace with either a gilardino/del piero or totti to score the other one... andrea pirlo or gattuso to be man of the match... bwarghhh... am so bloody excited... how i wish im at home :B
but that'll be on monday morning... so must wait till then... but in less than 10 hours from now will have germany vs portugal... germany should get this one right... another defeat on their home soil is a humiliation (the defeat against the italians was somehow celebrated as a heroe's defeat... blergh)
well, i dont have nething to say actually cept that im dead bored over me :B
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
5 minutes
- bwahahhahahaha, padan muka germany!!!FORZA ITALIA, FORZA DE AZURRI!!!xD.finally italy's in the final... hopefully we'll meet portugal... coz i dont want to see any henry in the final... he tak layak... buekkkkk xD
- quiz, coughs... is on tomorrow... i'll get screwed :B
- went to pasific last saturday, played pool... how i miss yahoo pool.... muahahhahaha
- mid sem exam is in 20 days time...
- i lost my mp4's usb wire thing... now i have to borrow my friend's for it... and it sux
- before that my friend "kasi bakar" my mp4 charger v.v"
- italy's in the final!!!GO GATTUSO!!!XD
i hate assignments...
Friday, June 30, 2006

So, it has been 3 weeks since my last post... blurgh, i was fucking busy... missed lotsa world cup actions, damn it!I missed all of the Italian matches (cept for the match against the Checz(sp?)... thank god for astro coz ada repeat)... and since its the World Cup season, im gonna talk football!!!
So here are what i have to say bout this season's world cup...
- I fucking love Italy... and oso their league (hopefully Milan wont be demoted to serie B : )but i think argentina will win this year... nehow, am soooo gonna watch the Italy-Ukraine lash... damn u sheva!I wanna see u and ur country crash and burn!!!Muahahahha!!!
- Brazil somehow hv juz got their form in time... but i dun wanna see any Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Robinho and wtv "-does" and "-hoes" nemore in z final... its tiring to see them everywhere, on the telly lar, kedai mamak lar and even my fren's cube!... blurgh...
- No surprise package in this season's World Cup's q-finals... well, cept for Ukraine, but theyre expected to do well... they have the pedigree to reach the q-finals :B
- Spain again in pain... My mom and i tipped them to go far this year, but hell... -.-" fuck you france!
- Argentina is doing fantastic... I hate the got the idea.
- I wanna buy carlos tevez in my FM game... and fabio canavarro too :B
- I tipped the argentinians to meet the italians in the final (or will they meet earlier?)... ALL HAIL FAVOURITISM!!!
kay, nuff bout the World Cup.
Two (or was it 3?) weeks ago i went to my ns camp.
yes, my ns camp to collect my ns cert and oso tgk my ns buddies for the last time (actually nak tengok majlis penutup... but i arrived 2 hours late... blurgh).Damn it was so emo man... my frens too...
And in my wildest dreams... i dined wif the teachers... twice!in the teacher's dining hall... which is a kawasan larangan... dined there with my other ns buddies who left earlier for matrix... Had a chat wif my company's teach, Cikgu Haji Hassan (ur the best!), he remembered me...
...of coz he remembered me!:B
and he even blanja me and my fwens bandung!
Man, i cant believe im saying this, but i miss ns... tawfik, adilah, izzaty, che (mai aku bunuh ko) kam, Jat, Key-me (i met ur fren bunchit in my college), fifi, denise, and raj!!!I MISS YOU ALL DUDE!!!Here are some ns pix :
pix courtecy(sp?) of denise... aka the one in the last pix... syasya still owes me pix :B
Now, bout the college.CC is now open it has been a regular hang out place for me for the last 3 nites.The abang cc oso plays lotsa nice songs and once i swear he played the In Flames once! :No more blocking means i can access my friendster and chat around in windows msgr (no MSN tho :B)... so pretty much im happy over here, as for now... but i wud be happier if the abang cc bagi main free... BWAHAHAHHAHA
Met a chic over there, kinda cute but too bad she has moustache...
So this fren of mine keep on singing "miiiisaiiii...." whenever shes around which sounds raunchy... what the hell lar he learnt in skolah agama?lol
quiz has been almost a weekly event in my class, my grades are improving... : ) but i damn malas wanna study now, got world cup to follow and tomoro wanna lepak wif my buddies before they left for kl... man... im still stuck in kulim... suxorzzzz...
well im kinda rushing now, coz of coz, since its, uhm... the WORLD CUP season, i wanna play football manager... w00t!!! xDxDxD
Friday, June 02, 2006
College Life...
As of me, college life seems to be good so far... kinda relaxing and the place is relaxing.My class is relaxing and my treachers (especially physics) are so relaxed as well!My dorm mates on the other hand are doing their assignments and tutorials like mad dogs!
OK, now I'm not feeling relaxed.=B
My class is light years behind other classes, especially physics and I'm shivering like hell now...
YES, I AM shivering now, cought a fever, a "very" high fever (that was what the doc told me), am wearing long sleeves, been coughing the whole day since yesterday too... and this has been the 2nd time i cought fever here in lkess than a month!Damn I'm a sick fella...
As i said earlier, life here is relaxing (as far as my class concerns), but the food here brings some mixed msgs... One day you eat like the King of China, the other day, you're a prisonor condemned to sit on Old Sparky (yes, am digging the Green Mile now xD)
But I have to eat afterall.
YOU have to eat either.
In fact, everything that talks and walks eats...
blurgh... I shud be grateful, ppl from other matrix colleges have to buy their own food wif their rm1000 they get...
I didnt get that rm1000 tho =B, I wanna buy a digicam =B=B=B
Anyhow, instead of getting the 1000, ppl here will get 500 for the entire year, and we need to apply for that... and that includes essay writing X|.Its sad, I know.
The eassay must be around 300 words and it was making me nervous shyte at the time (I returned home that day.I only remembered bout the essay 4 hours before I return to my college -.- ) and i was stucked to get it started, and it wasn't making me sane =B
So i bugged my friends =B
Sheril suggested me to write about my perceptions of the college (she was on her way to Pasific btw and she had finished the essay thing even before she came here...), Hafiz wasn't there and Shant... he was still in the jungle -.-", so he's out of coverage I guess.Somehow Sheril's idea sounds helpful at first, but my creative juice seemed dried up (I guess I can get the juice flowing back if I took my bath that morning... yes im disgusting, I know, but only for that day, mate... only for that day).
So i f up.
But then, sif God was showing the way to return me to sanity, I typed in google =B...
Hehehe... (sanity?Heh...)
So after about an hour of reading/choosing/mixing/matching/altering the essays, I finally got the job done.And I was safe...
Gratefully, I managed to send my rm 50/month top-up support yesterday, hoping that I wud get extra wif the top class US college type essay I sent... heehee... but most prolly I wont be getting more.
Its an unnecessary prerequisite in my opinion, so I guess they wont bother neway.
Now, about the library... the place where interesting "things" happen... no, nothing interesting will happen here... guys and girls are seperated, guys in one place, the girls on the other side of the wall.So...yea, u know... duh...
The computer even suckier there, they custom block friendster/ myspace/ videos and there are no MSN/ YM/ ICQ.Felt like my freedom has been abbused!But at least I get to access my forums and soccernet and my friends blogs... thankfully for that (does the rolleyes).
The college cc, on the first floor on the other hand will only open last thursday (thats what the cc bro... or was it sis?=| told me 4 days ago).But since I was busy packing my bags wif one week laundry and assignments, I had no time whatsoever to even bother checking that day...
Ok, truthfully, I forgot bout that =B
Now, about the ppl, met lotsa badlishans over here, and i juz discovered another one yesterday while queing (it was a damn painfully long que) to buy my revision books... her name is Athirah, my ex-classmate.Ok now that ive mentioned your name here plz forgive me for "terlupa" your name, if you're reading lar XD.
There are not juz matrix ppl over here tho, there are FET (foundation of engineering technology) students too... meaning more badlishans are here... That might sounds good, good until I learned that lugoon- udang (Faizuddin) is also here, he came for the second FET intake... and that 2nd is my 1st nitemare in this college... yes, bad feng shui coming!DING!DING! -.-"
And talking bout feng shui, my dorm mates who have their cubes facing the canteen mite have seen other things too (coz their cubes also are facing the girls hostel block)... coughs.
So Wafi suggested to bring a telescope =B, Ok im not gonna continue about this topic.
Being a college ppl also means being a wild bastige if some of you might have known... but there's no college party... just yet, but my 1st week outing experience is enough to emphasis on the word "wild".My dormmates and me (6 of them altogether, 1 happened to be from the nearby dorm) went to Pasific... wif 5 ppl cramped at the back seat =B
Yes, Pasific, youre not misreading it.
And i was uhm... the driver... again, youre not misreading it.
Since I am blurry about the direction myself (tho I went there wif my buddies like countless times before xD) we were lost. =B
We were heading to Kepala Batas but good thing we made a U-turn before we went even further into doomsville (theres no way I will call my mom and say I'm lost... and i don't want the college to know.. either)
I was afraid.
BLOODY afraid.
But we managed to to get to Pasific anyway, so thats out of the case.I bought 2 Lentino slacks (I worked for Lentino when I was working at the Store), Amin bought a shirt for his lecture class and we went to watch the Da Vinci Code (have to admit, the book's better v.v).We then bought noodles (dorm food, everyone has one) then we had lunch at around 4pm at McD -.-"
Over at McD, while queing, I saw this annoying little girl kept on reading the menu on the display board on top of the counter out loud... she was just next to me and I was about to say ,"adik, stop boleh tak?" but I thought... she's just a kid... I was as annoying, if not more annoying than her when I was her age myself, and also if her mom was around =B Oh, and sif to make things crappier, she happened to be my school's teacher's daughter.I forgot her name but but she taught add math to other classes.Surprisingly, she remembers me, and my name!(I would like to emphasis something over here... she didn't even teach me before!).So we had a peptalk.
Cikgu add math : Zaid ke?
Me : Errr, ye cikgu.Assalamualaikum cikgu.
c : Buat apa skarang ni?
m : buat matrix.
c : matrix?skarang kan?matrix kat mana?>
z : kulim.
c : Oh, so skarang ni outing lar?
z : errr... ye cikgu.
c : baru 1st week kan?datang sorang?
z : datang dgn dormmates.
c : 1st week oputing dah mai Pasific?z : errr... ya...
Ok, end of chat, I skipped some parts... neway the akak counter was calling me, how glad of me xD and I ordered McValue Meal number 1 (the one wif McChicken... if I'm not mistaken) coz my wallet was dry.After then, I gave my teacher a salam and went eating wif my dormmates...
Oh, i forgot to mention, we were rushing that day coz at 4pm I had to practice for my persembahan silat for that nite (Ashraf, who was wif me included).But instead, we turned up at 6pm at the college.Practice was around 7 eventually since 5 ppl went missing (so it wasn't me and ashraf who werent there i see).
For the persembahan silat, I was in the last row, doing some basic bunga silat and a simple sparing move as my only performance that nite (mind you, I only had 3 days of practice, and I was accidently dragged in to the silat team X|).Anyway, it was a good performance (ppl were clapping... i guess it was good, hopefully) and had myself ice potong after that.Then i decided to return to my dorm and sleep...
Oh well, I've been writing lotsa shyte now, good anough to cover for the 3 weeks I left.There, now I wanna do my math.Quiz is on next week... I dont wanna get screwed... Peace!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Back to the topic, not many ppl going to kulim matrix, i only know saiful, ija (from my ns camp) and sheril will be going.Most of my fwens dapat matriks changlun... more than 10 of them... and thats lyk tak syiok!!!Kimi got melaka matrix, juz lyk zahir (omg @.@), Afif, aziera, sabarina, che kam, umi, khairul, faris, nana and shark all dapat changlun matrix!!!TAK SYIOK!!!
Anyway, i juz finished my ns thing... prematurely since i need to prepare for matrix... ns is not that bad actually... get to know more aweks outside kulim... ill be getting the ns cert, means latihan ns sudah tamat... kinda sad tho, dah tinggal dlm camp for 2 months dee, juz another one month, definitely gonna miss excercise wirajaya (stay overnite dlm hutan)...
Now, i nak kena pi matrix pulak, so i will leave you guys with this song, bye2 all!!!... again -.-
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The Country Needs Me...
Mannn, i have loads to say but sooo little time.... nvm, here goes my 5 minutes komen on last nite's party.
Azieraaaa... thx coz tolong2 prepare for the party... you shudve come later lar, zalina and geng came that dayyy, too bad i forgot to kirim your salam to them xD.thx for the lamp, am loving it.
Tan Khai Hua!!!you dah jadi sami... hua hua hua, so you really read my wishlist?awesomeness for helping "looking" after the bbq and help clear the tables... shant oso... you guyz rock my undies mannn XDXDXD
SYAZZZZZ... YOU DROVE ALL THE WAY FROM PENANG TO KULIM???i really didnt expect you to come... salute to you man, i oso dont dare to drive to penang yet but you did!!!at nite sumore xD... baguslah you were safe home if not i'll have sleepless nite!ahaks xD... oh, and thx for "the da vinci code"... at least i have some entertainment during my time in ns... again, thxxxxxx for coming!!!
Anaand... are you a boddy glove ambassador?You have the bag, the shirts, and even pencil case and now undies???Thx for the body glove undies... now im not worried of having to wear my undies inside out during ns XD... you rock mannn!
Azizi, HANG MAI JUGAKKKK!!!XDXDXD, dah 2 tahun tak jumpak hang, hang dah slimmm!!!tapi masih syok poke perut hang jugak XD... Shahmi,syamsul/shakir!!!The 3 shahs of badlishah XDXDXD thx guys for coming...
Zalinaaa, love ur card and i love the content even better XD, you know i need one now XD, and sabrina (n syana of cozzz) thank you galz for the photo album.
Ayuuuuu... your little sister mmg bes larrr, good thing you brought ur bro and sis along to the party XD and thx for the shirt... you bought it at the store kan?coz i saw the shirt before when i was working there, thxxx... and sheril, awesome cap!Am sooo gonna bring it to ns!!!
Hizir!!!Alif!!!long time no see you fellas... its ok lar both of u tak bawak hadiah coz baru turun bas, at least you guys came and helped finish up the food =P
Oh, and to syuhada... YOU ROCK MOMMAH!!!you gave the party that extra "umph!" and nadia and raihannn... thx for the chocolate (still havent ate it tho... wish i have enough time to finish them before 8am tomoro XP)
Afif!Azim!Zahir!!!thx for the cds, im lisnin to it rite now mannn... coldplay rawks! XD... and farahhh, the last girl standing!!!you played well with the guitar lady, hang memang rock chick xD!!!
Ok, thats it for the party... took me more than 5 minutes actually... -.-, neway, to those who i forgot to mention(sp?) the names, jangan ambik hati ok... im kinda rushing writing this... all i can say, thx for making it a success, YOU GUYZ RAWKSSS!!!
Orait, on a more serious thing now, its around 8 hours before i will be leaving my home for ns.Everything have been packed, cept for the pail... but its ok, ill get it done tomoro morning... damnnn, im nervousss shyte!Btw, met kevin in msn juz now, learnt a few things that i shud know for ns (shudve asked earlier) and shant and me were talking like exagerrarted(sp?) arse bout ns... oh mannnn... am shivering like hell now... gosh, its 12am dee... im going out now... see you guys in 3 months time!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
1 - The first "O" is for my blood group.I did a blood grouping test in a clinic near my house a couple of days ago for the ns thingy, it wasnt painful surprisingly, and i juz received the report this morning from the doc, he said "you're blood type is "O" positive", and i retorted(sp?), ""O"?"... and the doc replied wif a smile... and he gave a nod and said "yes", and being polite with a glimmer of hope like all doctor does he continued, "don't worry... there are a lot of ppl wif "O" type" :| ... not going to write more bout this...
2 - The second "O" is for the jpa scholarship that i want to apply for, i cant access the site and rang up the jpa ppl for assistance.It all started well until she asked for my e-mail address :| , i gave her my hotmail id, you know... the sgt_kickass1979@h.c thing... and i overheard her saying, "masyaallah" ... so, "oo-ooo" -.-" mind you, i dont have any decent e-mail... so now, im in the process to create another e-mail with a decent name -.-
3 - The third "O" is for national service.I have a lot of question to ask bout this matter, but juz now, i called all the ns numbers they gave in their "Notis Pemberitahuan" letter (there are 8 of them altogether... and i called like 5 times each number for the last 30 minutes) and to no avail (insert angry face), so.. ,"OOOO DAMN PHUCKIN NS!!!"
4 - The fourth "O" is for my birthday.I want electronics for my bday.Me want mp3 playah!!!i saw one recently in, an mp3 player worth rm300 for the starting price.512 mb, with battery capacity of 10 hours of music (one triple A battery)... but most prolly i wont be getting it, coz the auction is until tonite, so... ,"OOOO... NOOOO!!!"
btw, talking bout my bday... must i throw a bday bash?and if so, when would it be (yes, on WHAT DATE SHOULD I DO MY BDAY PARTY XP???) coz for those of you peeps who still don't know, my bday is exactly on the same date with the ns thing (like it or not, i need to celebrate it wif strangers in a bus =( ...)Anyway, my bday wishlist :
- an MP3 PLAYAH!!!at least a 512 mb, working and unscrathed (electronis)
- a guitar efx pedal... anything would do... but preferably pedal that sounds like radiohead or sigur ros... you know, the one that makes some spooky almost organ like efx. (guitars n efx)
- a new watch, i saw one in penang, an adidas sports watch, brownish colour... i need a digital now! xD(watches)
- a bass guitar with an amp for bass guitar :| (musical instruments... again)
- lene marlin. i want her to perform in my bedroom :|
- sigur ros, takk album.ppl say the album packaging is awesome... and i need an original sigur ros album... tak mau burn2 dah sigur ros (album)
- new 50 empty CD-R cds for burning -.-" (pc)
- an original radiohead/ oasis/ the beatles guitar tabs, i can download it tho, but i want it on paper, and thats expensive... (music)
- a radio-clock for my bed... i saw lots of them at the store...
- a radio/cd player for my room... yes, i dont have audio-booms in my room!i need one :| (electronics)
- some good things that i can read (no sappy novels, plz) (books)
- a sassy cute chic to spend the nite (definitely not getting one... )
- money
- an f1 radio-controlled car i saw at the store.rm50 (toys)
- a brand new sport-undies for national service.< rm50
- U2 greatest hits album (album)
- a digicam... i lost mine =( (electronics)
- eyeshade for driving... (accessories(sp?))
- some jade chocker that i saw at the store.rm30 (neck accessories(sp?))
- superman comic #1 (impossible to get here)
- Coldplay's X&Y album (album)
- a mini cooper :| (cars)
ok, thats it for the 4th "O"... panjang jugak...
Monday, March 06, 2006
Are You Feeling Like Dying?
"murali a/l madavan 85, lrg putra 2, tmn kejora.. committed suicide in pp bridge. upper 6. eng club presiden. funeral 2day. pass 2 al our frens n badlishans. plz"
It is sooo sad to learn that someone so young would do such a thing, and the fact that you know them, and you see him almost everyday at school will certainly effect you even worse.I just can't accept it, why suicide?Sigh... Now i know how the pain of losing someone you know feels like.Alas, somebody you love!Anyhow, the fella had certainly escaped from whatever problem he had, but now, he is sure to face a bigger problem.How i wish he get to resolve his problem without ever thinking that suicide is the only way out.And how i wish i wouldn't end up like him, and ppl checking their inbox/friendster/wtv reading that someone they knew commited suicide... (a'usubillah himinzalik).I wish they wouldn't be any rubbish like this again... and ppl, plz, there is always a way out other than suicide... mannn, i juz dont feel like blogging rite now... am stopping for now... see you guyz and geeks later!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
jejejeng, "THE LETTER" had arrived!!!nooooooosssss xD
Neway, i have to do all sort of cwaps before i go to national service... one of them is to create an account in Bank Pertanian Malaysia, and it is stated there "Bank Pertanian Malaysia SAHAJA"... that suck, and i cant recall seeing one around kulim... does anyone know where i can find one?Oh, and i dont want you to tell me that its in kay-el, coz everything is there... and i know that :B.And after i make an account there, that'll be lyk, my second bank account i make this year (another one is account pekerja maybank... mind you, i work... well, used to xD) and the 4th in my whole life!!!And its lyk a lot!!!Isn't it?If you know anyone who have more, kindly inform me, plz.Other than that, i must do some medical check up (i should've done it today... but my mak had to visit orang bersalin... so, save it for tomorrow then :P), and sorry to my gud friend shant, who invited me yesterday through msn to play pool at pasific... i should've said yes if i know this thing will happen :B ... anyway, medical check up?wtf???alrite, i freak out whenever this sort of thing comes out... to tell you guys a thing, i havent done any proper medical check up in all my life!!!(except when i was a baby... i think, if any)... and the last time i did my dental check (not the school one) was lyk, when i was in form 1!!!xDxDxD... someone, stab me plz :B
Btw, nabil chat with me last night and he came out with a very good question, who will i call/msg during my three months in camp merbok.I was lyk... umm... ohhh... my mak?Well, pretty much thats it!I was surprised myself!!!@.@".Anyhow, after some deep thoughts a few minutes before i sail myself into dreamland, i think i have a lot of ppl to msg/call... well, if any of you ever heard the song "Baby, Can I Have Your Number", you might get what im thinking of... ye betul, teknik menekel perempuan!!!w00h00h00!!!Anyway, things that i should do in ns :
1 - Excercise (i must excercise mannn... it has been a looong time)
2 - Gain some weight/muscles xD (my dad likes to keep on beletering saying that im too thin/small... -.-".... am i?)
3 - Get some awek ns celly numbers (thats the whole point a celly is for, rite?:B)
4 - Learn to become a stronger man... (like... uhhhh, too cliche'?... but somehow it sounds like... masuk akal >.<)
5 - Become the camp tyco (i know i can... )
6 - Become the most popular ns camper ever!!!(im a popularity whore v.v)
So, at the same time, after what i've read from the newspaper and my seniors bout national service... i wish :
1 - I wont die (i heard trainees are required to swim... and swimming for me is like doing add math '_' )
2 - I wont lose my stuff (im gonna bring electronics man... i cant live without music..., and if i lose any... that guy will die!)
3 - I wont get married to a trainer (remember the 19 year old trainee babe kawen dgn 40 year old pak cik trainer?... its lyk... teh horror!xD)
Anyways, most of you might already know that i phuckin hate the ns thing... and since i have no way out, i keep on saying to myself, "ns ialah tempat utk mencari/mendapat awek utk 3 bulan"... and, it should be fun!!!Isn't it?:B
So, at the same time, after years of research on babe psychology (through fhm, soap operas, jonny bravo, etc., well... mostly fhm tho xD) i came out with teknik menekel awek ns!!!yeah!!!(supposedly, the 40 year-old trainer who married a 19 year old trainee babe must've figured it out earlier... )... Here's how my strategy would be lyk (if i am to suceed, i should apply to become fhm editor mannn) lol :
1 - Scout for babes...
2 - If you find one, approach them in a macho manner, as in... "Hey, wassup?"
3 - Ask where they're from, introduce yourself... (got this from the queer eye book... i know theyre gay tho :B:B:B)
4 - Be nice to them (in case you dont remember xP)
5 - For those awek who dont know how to kawad, give them personal tuition on it (if you guys already know how to kawad lar)... or... if you dunno... train with them
6 - Do something that can be done together... like... learn how to swim?
... from there, ask for her number, then walla!You will sleep during kawad time!xD
Anyway, i received a testimonial from syaz the other day... he said he likes the chocker!You MUST love it man... its half jade half crystal, and i spend my wage money on it :B... and i paid for the clock too... bought it from the customer service counter at the store... i used to work there, so i get special price... MUAHAHAHAHA... nice to know that he likes it... so, kira worth it lar apa yg i dah buat... ^^...
Lastly, in other less interesting news, i still havent bought the guitar efx pedal thing... i was lyk... still searching for those pedal that sounds like sigur ros thing... but my friend gave me a link to a behringer pedal site that gives sample on how the pedal will sound like... and guess what, the almost sigur ros like sound needs two different efx pedals... and i was like... wtf?two pedals???$$$ burntlar... >: neway, if you're wondering how the efx sound i want... its lyk this, fast forward till around 1 minute or someting... :
sigur ros - Svefn-G-Englar
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Neway, to start things off, yesterday i went to my friend's bday par-tay!Yea... it doesnt sound lyk me... am hating to go to bday parties, sounds kiddish but this one is different case... well you see, this fella who host this par-tay is my old fwen from gtown(no offense on my "sounds kiddish" remark jz now :B), and i hvnt seen him for lyk 6 years!wtf???6 years???I didnt know it has been that loooong... wth have i been doing in all this 6 years???anyhow, been there and i met some old mates, faiz, nabil and yeah... syaz!!!teh bday boy!!!oh, and gayatri(sp?), she looks sassy in pink xD... it took lyk an hour drive from my house to this par-tay and another one hour drive home... and been at teh par-tay for lyk... almost 3 hours???does it sound worth it???well... kinda... if i know all the peeps in syaz' par-tay... ok, ok... i was there and i met some well, new peeps... nice ppl tho, we talked bout cars and such... wish to get to know them better...
Ok, i dont lyk to talk bout food and such, so let me skip this part... oh, but teh chicken taste great!!!xD rite, before this... i said i met syaz... as usual, he looks bloody tall... still havent changed... not much of a surprise when i first saw him at his house door... oh, and i met faiz, one of those first few ppl from skbl that i call fwen... damn he looks sooo different!!!its lyk, ummm... he looks kool!!!totally not lyk he used to be during batu lanchang days... and he works in sushi king???boleh bawak balik sushi larrr... and nabilll!!!he looks lyk those usual teenage boys... and he likes milan!!!another rossonerri tifosi... glad to know that xD... but you oso lyk arse-senile???wtf???wtv lah...
Anyhow, i made the crappiest mistake ive had ever done this week... i forgot to bring teh cam :B... and im sooo totally phucked up my reunion without it... so now, gotta beg for photos from them... if they have my pix in it lar... but good thing my celly can take pix... but i still dunno how to send teh pix into my pihsay... so pretty much, im still screwed up -.-"... (gets the how to use the nokia phone book)... anyways, i was one of the first few peeps to balik rumah... so, ive missed the makan cake ceremony... how i wish im brave enuff to drive home alone...
So, that was it... my first serious entry in this el-bloggo... i think i should rename it el-bloggo the 3rd... coz this is teh 3rd blog i made... but the name is long... el-bloggo lah senang... anyway, let me leave you with this holy schmoky controversial video by Sigur Ros - Vidrar Vel Til Loftarasa.. (theyre icelandic if you're wondering... and this song is in icelandic... too)