Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday the 13th Was Yesterday
Been to the cc 2 days before, and i saw hot chicks all over. It was heaven, but i was too busy doing other things, no time to get the low down... wasted.
Neway, my oh so called salah register last semester that i can shamelessly admit here has taken its toll. im not allowed to join the band and instead i have to choose other activities to occupy my supposedly after friday service nap time.
no, i am not allowed to even transfer my activity marks like i did last sem. i am not allowed to seat for the band paper for exams (which was terribly easy, and i assume it will always be that way) and i am not allowed to blow whatever instruments or bang whatever drums like i gladly did before. and i miss the mangkuks a lot. and all thanks to my friend's sis who wrongly registered me into the national kesatria 1.
So it left me with no other decent alternative, and relunctantly (and by mistake... a terrible one i hope not), i chose public speaking. And i was left with 12 other people who i guess didn't know what they are up to, oh wait... make it 10, coz the other 2 looks like they intended to get their arse fucked with this. The teach has a motor in her mouth that makes it impossible not to hear her voice every minute.
Im screwed. Help.
About lecture classes i have a weirdo with an even weirder moustache teaching me management. pm abdullah is like weird and dangerous. i wont live in peace in his class. nobody will. My costing teach will definitely give more works and assignments in the future. she gave us a quiz in her first lecture class and next week will be no different. remember damnit, it'll be on monday.
my english lecturers, again 2 of them but not from last sem are being the usual bunch that dont excite me. oh wait, apart from english, the male teach teaches spanish as well!!! so he excites me.
Hola muchachas. como se llama? yo soy zaid la gordo.
kill me. kill me don't. please.
My microeconomics lecturer on the other hand is the only decent one ive seen so far. he's like the common 50-somethings that i can easily relate to my dad and his friends. he's good. am starting to love him. oh, that left me with my ctu ustazah whom im still yet to meet.
I have discovered the meaning of "rep" in "class rep". its a short form for representative. and i am a class rep. fuck it.
I guess ive summed up everything about class... should get my arse out of here, been here for more than an hour... i'll have to beg for money if i stay here much longer. no more free food in the dining hall. we have debit cards instead with rm40 allocated to every student for the first 15 days of the month.i have rm5 for another 2 days.
Am soooo looking forward to the simpsons movie...
Friday, July 06, 2007
Why So Soon???Whyyyy!!!???
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Genting Highlands 07
go argentina! hell yes!
So, along with the stuffs i just mentioned above, i went to genting highlands last week which was part of my dad's farewell trip. Yes, my dad was about to retire one week after the trip which wooheedoodeedoo, is today! More about him later.
Back to the cameron highlands thing, my parents and i as planned (and as expected) were on the road to kl to visit tot and moleh, or my sis and bro respectively. Been to their house and after spotchecking their fridge, feeling a bit outdated and curious i grabbed a "Mini Poppers". which taste good. So i grabbed another one. and seems that im starting to love the stuff. how long has it been in the market?
I need one now...
So, we picked up my sis (my bro had work) and dashed off to genting highlands early in the morning. very early in fact. imagine waking up at 5am. yes. THAT early.
and as expected, we arrived early.
wayyy too early...earlier than some workers... oh look, one people on elevator!
ok now, the shop is open...
in case you might wonder what we were doing that morning, we were actually waiting for my dad's office mates + their family who happened to come an hour later after the shop in the picture up here opened. you got me, i hate waiting.
so here is tot + aboh's office gang. and if you look carefully, you can see my mom pointing at something in my direction. i wonder what she was pointing at.
so we gathered there for like 10 minutes or so and up we went to the cable car!!! and if my memory serves me correctly, i havent been into one of those since the last time i came here, which was a decade ago perhaps?
mom + untie ruby... so who is untie ruby anyway? the story so far; mom and untie ruby were officemates during their early days, until my mom decided to retire early.i wonder what happens if i swing the gondola xD
after a few minutes in the cable car we then arrived at the peak.
ok now, i let the pictures do the talking, kinda lazy to think. dad and his cable car...
i have mine as well xP
our stay in genting highlands. and it is called the "first world hotel".
so we arrived there around 11am and after checking in at the hotel, its time to play. oh, before we get to play, we have to get our wrists tagged.
an unnecessary reminder, i know. im old.
playland. ok, i like this pix a lot. if i am to remember anything about genting highlands, apart from the casino, this is definitely one of em.
sigur ros - olsen olsen ...
the bear band!w00t!!!
welcome to malaysia, we have ghosts for you to visit.
i had been waiting long for this...
before the first 3d show.
this pix is cool, i must definitely get one for myself.
... and so i did.
Right, not much talking. The last 2 pix was taken from the last day. it was a 2-day stay at genting.
2 days... kinda remind me of the kelantan trip...
edit : published at 24/06/07. repulished today. and my dad is now a retiree...