Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Raya. Exam. Fuck.
right, there's something definitely wrong here.
So, there. ive confessed. if its not for the fuckin downloaded update patch i would've led prato to serie B by now! ok, so there's a saying that people learn everyday. and people learn through mistakes. pffft. ok so i swear that i wont download any update patch again! it is sooooo troublesome that i wasted 1 hour figuring out how to undo the damage. and it turned out... wasteful.
so again, people say that there's always a silver lining in cloudy skies (or something like that, my english is not first class mind you). that makes me wonder what sort of "silver lining" that i can put to logic into this matter.
aha! exams is next week!
ok. so what to do now. i have done with raya. now is simply study week. and i should be studying. but there are soooo many raya leftovers that i cannot waste it on somebody else! blurgh, i simply should be studying. right, i'll start tomorrow coz theres nothing much to do with the pc without football manager anyway.
talking bout football manager - since i have all the time in the world that i just realised ive been having since my football manager game broke down - the new edition will be released on the 19th, which is THIS FRIDAY! just watched the screenshots and the comments about fm08 and it looks promising! lots of important changes and new things especially on the "media" and "transfers" have been put into it and i have to get a copy exactly after i finished with my exams and spend my hols playing the stuff. so that's my plan. well you know that planning is the first step that should be taken in management. :winks:
and that leads us to another point. exam is next week. again i should be studying. ok. i'll start tomorrow. and i shall spend the entire days left until i bring my arse back to arau studying. with the genuine intention of scoring a killer result. no joke. i think i can achieve it this time. and i simply need to.
on another note, i just stumbled upon this at sputnikmusic and if what is posted is true, radiohead is definitely genius to the max! no matter how hard muse tries to immitate radiohead, they simply leg wayyyy behind. so now what muse? wanna distribute music like what radiohead just did? soooo unrevolutionary... anyways, this thing being said by one of the forumers gets my attention,
"This is just great! It's funny how a band has better marketing plans than a record label. Great."
... now, THAT is news...
and last, but not least... i just saw this on devart.
Starbuck by *diablo2003 on deviantART
... and and and...
england got beaten by russia (2-1)!!! w00h00!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Michael Jackson Can Do the Space Walk

RM95 million blasts off into space!!!
so after the big blast off sending an even bigger sum of money into the stratosphere, people might ask... where do we go from here?
dont get me wrong. i dont have any problem with the angkasawan programme, it is something uber cool actually to tell your overseas friends that we have sent an astronaut/space tourist into space and the chances are, if your international friend is not from the us, uk, india, russia, china or any other selected few that i dont even know are in this elite bunch... apart from talking about the sepang f1 circuit, the space programme is good publicity.
at least something proud to point out against the singaporkians.
malaysia, the progressive harmonious multi-racial islam hadari/secular state, etc. etc.
so, back to the question... we have a malaysian in space, and where do we go from here? as we all know, the aerospace technology -thanks to the cold war- has been dominated by the us and russia, and china have already stept into the fray (they successfuly destroyed their own satellite, all in the name of testing... star wars seems possible in the near future, watch out usa! xP). india have sent a few men into space as well and they might join in the space race...
having said that, the countries mentioned above unsurprisingly have 10 inch deep pockets and they are the world economic powerhouses. malaysia on the other hand, with its limited money and even more limited knowledge are light years behind to compare with these countries. i cant see malaysia being a space power in the future. imagine us having a ministry of aerospace ala nasa. and think about the money spent on this project. just to send one man into space takes almost rm100 million, to build a rocket and develop the technologies needed and rnds and employing experts will take billions! we dont have to sacrifice the "rakyat's" welfare just for this. i simply cannot see that coming.
but i really hope that it will be possible one day. i just dont want this to be a publicity stunt that is not worth the money. hopefully my parents' tax money is well spent and this space thing is a stepping stone for better things in the future.
and that makes me wonder, with 95m... just imagine what are the opportunity cost sacrificed by the government?
- rm 95m can help build 10 schools -perhaps more-. you wont believe me saying that the malaysian public have lots of retarded idiots. i saw many during my ns days. the ratio is 9 in 10. if the money is spent on educating them, the labour market will definitely yield more professionals and skilled labours instead of importing them from outside. and having more pizza delivery men and gas attendants. and that too will reduce the number of criminals and casses like nurin and countless others before that -and definitely, after- wont happen. and their parents lifes would be even happier.
- better police service. (again) cases like nurin wont happen if we have better police. and forensics as well. with that in mind, definitely the culprits can be identified and get shot by now!
- free healthcare. it is rediculous to believe my economics lecturer saying that we have to pay even more nowadays for healthcare in government hospitals. then again, he was there and he knows what's what. i thought the inflation rate is still 3%?
c'mon lar pak lah!
- an independent money-fueled enquiry into the hotly discussed judicial thing
(Politician A: No need to investigate me wan... i can give you money...
Politician B: Do you have 95m?
Politician A : Fcuk!)
- continue mahathir's projects.
on another non-politically influenced things that i have to mention in this post, i'll return to the survivor game tomorrow. help my relatives at the kampung making lemang.

(my bro used to have his tapes)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Malaysia's First Space Tourist Tonight!
its a new release, just been released this week actually and i saw it on channel [v]'s record shop yesterday and simply put, genius! it has been a loooong time since i watched anything as good as this since radiohead's just. we need more of this...
anyways, another new release is on today. arguably(sp?) the best band on the planet -radiohead- had released their 7th studio album after a very very long 5 years called "in rainbows" and its available for downloads starting today at here. so i can pay whatever i want for the album, but i need a hardcopy for this one. im a fan. based from a reputable source, i might have to wait for next year till its available in stores.
have to start saving rm40 today!
so raya is on friday is it? no baju raya this year...