I don't feel any guilty whenever i post stuffs at the acels weblog. So i don't really mind playing with words and give my long gone sarcasm a blockbuster return.
Like the last 2 posts i made.
Like the last 2 posts i made.
Mind you its the official club site. Its not that people who concerns with the club will gonna read em! i might even post my jamban pix if i wanted to!
Another news this week is about my team AC Milan (not the lousy khairy jamaludin's myteam) whose bid from the mega rich arab sheiks of manchester city worth 100M pounds for Kaka' was turned down by the player after a tiring week long transfer saga. Kaka' might earn himself a whooping 500k pounds a week if he signed. in this case, to say the world is facing a economic catastrophe might be an overblown thunder in a cup! or are we having a 1000% inflation rate from last year?

So to those who plays man city in their fm'09, you might be able to buy him but in real life, don't dream lar mangkoks! and to the pak sheiks of man city, isn't it better if you spend the money for the palestinians, or donate to the poor instead of pouring it all on a single guy?
Anyhows, i guess its back to the laze days perhaps given the loadshit of works to be done for club and class. CNY is a blessing! I can't seem to bare witness to the suffocating february plans that consists of a trip, test, seminar, another trip, drama competition, tutoring UPSR kids english, test, test, test... I don't think i can lepak kedai nasi kandar sampai malam anymore this coming brake!
I'm fasting so i can't run around flailing my arms in public, and today is the fourth day out of seven. its puasa nazar cos i got a fluke result last sem that i uh... was planning to post the screenshot like the past three i did earlier. not that i scored a 4.0, but i got lucky to still be in the "range" and the mighty loads of deduction of pointers was highly justified. and i was fearing for not being able to get into that "range" which resulted in me nazaring.
To those who know me well, i don't look good in pictures - unless if i photo edit the stuff - but these ones are some of that rare moments that i have to put it here to remind me that lighting and angle are important in taking pix! here goes...

Last post i was brimming with energy to put up my pictures for the boycott program. i'm kinda lazy to put it up since i've put some already at the club blog.
The world economy is bad, retrenchment of about 100k workers are expected this year, with some people predict the domino efx from the US recession will hit malaysia hardest this june. I bet it'll hit us earlier! The government still haven't declared recession just yet but the stocks exchange dropped to 880 the last time i checked from the usual 900 of 2008. I read in the papers that US banks lose USD 3.6 trillion. but their initials(correct me if im wrong) are USD 1.4 trillion. they simply can't pay their own debts, how can they lend money!?
The Wallstreet should be sentenced to death by stonning!