It's the holidays. It's mid term break actually. So in keeping with the tradition to keep the students busy during their mid term breaks; assignments of various forms and shapes are brought home by us students (I set aside 2 bags, one exclusively for homeworks) with the intention to get it done, or half done, given by lecturers eager to stamp their mark in the annals of "how-to-destroy-those-kids-holidays". That said, I better off doing my assignments which is still not even 10% done (at the time of press). Oh, and I have 23 credit hours for this semester.
If you have been stalking my fb (or I tagged you in my fb note) in the past 5 days, you will know that I'm in love with a girl from Kemunting (excuse the cheesyness), had a great chat with her and I made the elementary mistake of forgetting to ask for her number. But I've devised a master plan. I remembered that she said she is directing a screenplay due to be staged in March. So she must be a member of the Drama Club. And so, I shall sacrifice my Friday evening to find her, wherever she may be (most prolly at Dewan Baru)... I ride a bicycle to class, this should be easy!
A couple of weeks back I joined the guys from A class for a BBQ at Gua Kelam (it was my first visit - which given that I've been living in the tiny state of Perlis for 3 long years - a surprise) , and an evening retail therapy at Padang Besar. My only verdict is that, WE SHOULD DO THIS EVERY MONTH GUYS!!!

Went to kakak Syariza's wedding with Mimi and Sharku. I ate too much that day I felt my tummy bloating, waiting to get the organs inside to make their way out in a horror display of tummy explosion. What made it worse is that we didn't just go to the kenduri. We went to Pizza Hut at Kulim Mall only to be amazed at how those two can find space in their tummy for delicious looking spaghettis... Ok perhaps, they didn't eat as much as I did during the kenduri.

I'm contemplating in lodging a police report on those kids behind my house row who are firing those loud firecrackers on the ground that they contribute to sound pollution and possession of contraband.