Watching : How I Met Your Mother Season 4 episode 22
Playing : Facebook Chess
Reading : QMT notes. Just finished exam maa...
Today I decided to be a passive aggressor for once.
You see, since I find that this type - the passive aggressors - can be found in my facebook(and rather easily at that), posting well-rehearsed retorts without mentioning anyone by name almost daily, it got me thinking that if I am to vent my anger in a sentence so vague yet full of emo teenage-angst without anyone ever noticing who the sentence is intended like most girls I saw on facebook, I might find joy.
Except that, I don't want to be one of those girls (and boys) cause I have a certain code of conduct to follow. And of course, the luxury of having a blog means that I'm not obliged to follow the facebook codes I have set myself, cause for a blog with a pitiful web-traffic record such as this (not overly pitiful actually ;D), I have the freedom to write nonsense such as this very post here, yet can be rest assured that no one cares.
Apparently, a self-proclaimed hensem fat pig had ruffled my beautiful ass feathers for quite a long while now thus warranting himself a precious space in this blog due to him being the saddest, attention-seeking, mr-suave-wannabe poser I've ever seen. And that in itself is a great achievement cause I rarely talk about anyone else except myself in this blog.
And with that, I shall be like them passive aggressors, trash-talking in a manner where no one understands except for those with a lot of time to kill. Or the person's own self. Nevertheless, I shall start now...
Today I was offered a rather unpleasant view of having to watch a breakaway fat-camp trainee who stands as tall as the many girls' shoulders he's being a dedicated "Mr Cabby" to, passing by my air space. That, and the fact that he wasn't alone in getting my personal air-traffic controllers in my head working overtime in clearing the air space around me from visual pollution got me irked. Cause that person he was around was a certain someone that I'm kinda having a small crush at.
Which rekindled my itch to give him a fine flying kick to his bollocks to knock him some senses for his never say die attitude due to his unmatching sense of narcissism or "perasan bagus" attitude and his fine Gummy Bear physique.
It's like watching a arrogant purple dinosaur driver who dubbed himself Barney Cool sticking desperately like a magnet to whichever chicks around, which really is not cool by any stretch from a proper, non-attention-whoring sense.
I wouldn't be this high and mighty if not for his discriminative treatment on pretty girls and his own guy friends, which makes him a royal douche. That and his poser attitude makes him a likeable hate figure due to him being a piggy-physique eksyen-kamen perasan macho nak mampos!
And really, he's not hot, for whatever outfit he wears to a dinner function, he just resembled a sticky gucci-shorty-piggy-sticker, sticking to girls in a failed attempt to look macho (read: having girls around him makes him feel macho). And the most recent one, he resembled a penguin lost in a tropical red carpet glamour. He could've stayed around longer, but I guess he realised that he failed to shine.
And he doesn't have anyone to hang around with him voluntarily... or so I suppose.

Everyone at the table hate you man!
He should just better off home wanking on a couch or being his much beloved Mr Cabby to neighbourhood girls... Frankly speaking, and without doubt, I like the way things went before his untimely comeback.
TO ATIYYAH JAMIL : I've been tagged, YAY!!!! But I don't have a camera phone, and my bags mostly have notes and books. Nothing interesting there. Well, maybe cept for a pack of maggi mee in a plastic bag on my shelf :B
But thanks for the tag still! Love yah! Muuuuuaaaaxxxx!!!! xD