Right, so it has been a bloody loooong time since i last updated this blog. another of those blog-lull period to say the least, so long that i had to check the calendar to remind of what i did in the past how many days/weeks time. so in my defence, id say that im being terribly busy lately, ever since a month ago, doing things that i should've not volunteered doing plus things that i shouldn't be doing. so to put things and yourself, future zaid, in a clear state of mind, i'll put things neat and tidy. to hell with it, i'll go ragged from here, in random order :
1 - on a tuesday evening, some weeks ago, where i should be spending my evening studying and doing my revisions... or simply watching another dvds on my hostel bed, somehow the devil in me wants to get loose, so i prematurely decided to follow a male friend of mine, and his 3 female companions plus encik joha, who happened to extend his term here to 7 sems (he should be in part 3, but as i said earlier, to hell with it), rented a car and off to padang besar.
alright, being to padang besar with no particular concrete relevant reason - however you put it -with only rm50 in my wallet might sound like an adventure. and it was. on the road for 2 hours (to padang besar and back) and spent more than half of the already almost dried up wallet on something unnecessary (thai made eyeshades - RM10 + ac milan flag thing... not really a flag coz it doesn't stick to a pole but i count it as a flag nontheless - RM 22)
had lunch there, and then to kuala perlis to take pix and waste sumore time. got tired at the end of the day and hell yes, to hell all the books and assignments.
Lets start the trip with some real power drinks from real madrid!
Padang besar

They wear this at their ass. Ass enhancement undies i suppose.
Fuckin capap + the obedient happy smiley always think positive driver ady (no, he wasn't on drugs, i hope)
Kuala Perlis - izzati not included in pix
2 - Imam held a programme some saturday some few weeks ago. cant remember the fuckin name, nehow it involved some cooking and eating and chick gazing. since me myself am very smokey brained bout this, pix are here for the rescue!
Sniffin glue gang...
Stone age cooking method and utensils
Capap... this time on the greens... no, not the golf turf but tasik ilham n.n
So we hd this for lunch, it was quite a lot tho... telur carbon tasted allright, and this would be just another reason if i am to die early. apart from sniffin petrol at gas stations
Oh, and we met faza, the imam chick!
3 - I was elected as ajk imam. in the same biro with shahir sengal klate. faza too. Created the imam web forum in the process.
4 - Got myself busy with ass-cels, this time we'll be doing the bulletins (due date is 1st sept damnit!), i was the host for the public cpeking challenge last nite, had to redecorate the ass-cels board and participate my ass to the school project.
5 - Imam sports day was two days ago.
6 - I met pierre aubameyang. pierre who? oh silly, the one who scored the goals against ajax and arse-senile! the ac milan youth player...

Me + Pierre Aubameyang
Me + 2 other ac milan youth tem players. they speak english surprisingly. they're nigerian... no surprises
Me shamelessly with an arsenal youth plyer. he played in centre midfield. he used to play with thierry henry. not anymore... BWAHAHAHAHA
7- Saw this last week. supposedly some ice was formed up there and the circle thing was due to dust and such. some scientific thing that is too complex to explain. looked cool despite all the scientificness.
8 - Returned home on the last 2 weekends, by train... simply because i wanna watch the simpsons movie. worth it.
9 - And my parents will be going for umrah this sunday (19/08/07). safe trip.
Right, here is the recap of what i did a few weeks past. I should be doing my ctu assignment. due date is tomorrow. fuck!
am guessing that i have to pay double figures for the cc thing and courtesy of atikah's blog (copyright not included, courtesy only... if any) n*sync once said "BYE BYE BYE!"