Those pretty much indicate what i've been doing and looking all this holidays.
So the reason why I don't blog so much lately is pretty simple - I just have too much to say.
Include with the fact that I am fucking lazy (I really don't care about censoring myself anymore), everytime I go on blogspot, I shoot blanks.
Haha that sounds so wrong.I repeat, I shoot blank phrases. And the fact i got myself football manager 2008 is another good reason why i rarely blog.
As usual the first few days of the holidays were awesome, like whhhooaaaaa, im free from the clutches of mundane life, no more bathing in cold water in the morning (or never bathe at all in the morning) and no more having to look at the anak mamak's bitchy face. and i get to watch the channels without having to contemplate whether they'd think im such a weirdo watching blackadder on bbc.
Well, that was the first few days. and blackadder is no more on tv.
And that left me with nothing much to do. football manager suddenly (and surprisingly) got me a bit bored, and with nothing in plan, i got too bored. oh, i also have stopped downloading songs from soulseek and limewire ever since my dad found out in the papers about the rm250k min fine imposed to illegal downloaders and put a ban from me using those p2ps. so that definitely left me with nothing to do. so i dug through my hard disk and the cds on the rack and i got tired watching all of them bar weeds season 1 and the unfinished season 2.
Oh, i should've mentioned that before the holidays i was planning on learning arabic. that didn't work out. and i was also planning about writing some drafts for the supposedly next sem release of "acels eye-the bulletin" considering that i happen to be the hardworking editor for that thing. that didn't work out either! and don't even think about going to work, that plan is done and dusted even before the holiday past the 1 week mark.
Back to where I was at. I've got too much to say. I went to a lot of things, and somehow that thing that I do - blogging- is too much of a burden.
So screw it all!
Bye bye.
And oh, the fucking uitm bill still haven't been released yet from the site. Fuckers. and im in love with ayushita nughara.