There is no way i can study during study leave.
What's best i can do is to recharge my batteries with football manager.
... not that i have been playing with it at campus on my laptop over the months. i just miss the desktop.
and the broadband connection. and astro. and the food in fridge. and the ice cubes and ice creams from the freezer. and the hot shower (tho it is kinda hot at the moment). and my comfy bed. and the electric guitar.
this is relaxation at its best.
aaannnnnd... pak lah should resign before another protest walk takes place. just give up lar old fart.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
My Hair is Too Long for College.
God knows what's into Sabri. Maybe his lack of mental abilities had lead him to branding my hair as long. Amzar's too. And God knows how many others.
Saw this at the Store in Kangar some weekend ago. Classic victories indeed. My man u fan roomate got berzerked (is that how its spelt?) when he saw this pix. HAHA. And no, im not an arsenal fan.
Resak got themselves a cocoa-crunch of sorts mascot for SUKOL - an unnecessary event that cost money and other people's precious study time. That few hundred ringgit mascot though lacks quality when compared to this fag above. In true Kempas spirit of pink and whatever queer things that can make carson kressley crying in joy, this mascot has the ability to shake its arse at will and effortlessly claims other people's rights of walking and dancing without interruptions. Mind you, the mascot was at the Resak's perbarisan group in this pix.
In true girlish fashion, apart from the ear, i saw fairies, witches and if my brain serves me right, a fairy god mother and more characters from the fairy tales we've heard, read and watched when we were just innocent little toddlers. Thank god that those in costumes are hot chicks.
This one on the other hand, gets my vote for the most horrible make up + scariest mascot for SUKOL. Amin said that this pix is though the ghost was real since the chick in the baju kurung looked as if she didn't realised the blue thing. By the way, the ghost was supposedly a Sea Queen or sorts, since its head carried a dolphin. No kidding.
Things just couldn't get any weirder that night.
Bored people doing boring things. The time ticked a second too late that night ei?
For those who don't know, my hair is super short that im not even bothered to get into "shiver mode" whenever there is spot check shyte coming about. Imagine Dr Mahathir's hair labelled as long.
Fuck that Sabri ass! His bloated shytish mouth that produces girlish piggy squelling like voice really complements his limited thinking ability. Is the role of an RS requires good thinking abilities? I doubt it! You bring shame to the RSs man! Your super power judgement skill that is no better than a 6 year old brings shame to the RSs you idiot! Oh, i forgot, you dont even own a degree! You're so fucked up that you think you're better than us, the super dean's list students! Oooh, you're sooo fucking wrong old fart! You're fucking wrong!
Ok, I feel much better now.
Aaaanywayyysss... to lighten up my morning (no kidding) even more than what it already is, i've got pictures!!!
Ok, ok, picture number one!

Resak got themselves a cocoa-crunch of sorts mascot for SUKOL - an unnecessary event that cost money and other people's precious study time. That few hundred ringgit mascot though lacks quality when compared to this fag above. In true Kempas spirit of pink and whatever queer things that can make carson kressley crying in joy, this mascot has the ability to shake its arse at will and effortlessly claims other people's rights of walking and dancing without interruptions. Mind you, the mascot was at the Resak's perbarisan group in this pix.
Next picture please!
This one on the other hand, gets my vote for the most horrible make up + scariest mascot for SUKOL. Amin said that this pix is though the ghost was real since the chick in the baju kurung looked as if she didn't realised the blue thing. By the way, the ghost was supposedly a Sea Queen or sorts, since its head carried a dolphin. No kidding.
A GORILLA!!! And its making a sexy pose. Face front.
Aaaaaaaand lastly...
I got a sixth place for the 5 week long Chess Competition. It was all luck i tell you to even get a sixth.
I guess that's all there is to it.
This is the time where most people will go panic.
I now vow to study my arse off during this 2 weeks. To not move from my chair unless I know I've done something productive academically each day. To concentrate on what comes first - my education. To finish it off while I still can.
Wanna know why?Because I have, with great honesty, been slacking off in school.
And it didn't hit me yet when my not that super excellent macroeconomics test result came out.
Or when I failed to get that much needed full mark for my stats quiz. Or when I realized I'm doing things other than my studying (Like playing football manager - i dozed off playing this game last nite)
No way. I found out that i might get my arse sucked into a hell hole (the "other" hell hole - more dangerous than "that" one). I found out when I looked at people around me. When I see what they're up to, and what they're making of themself. This disillusional life you lead. The life of "There's always tomorrow", or "Things will sort out by itself", or whatever hell they're thinking of. Apparently, that is the sort of mentality i have adopted this year. You have all these... things. But then you're stuck, and you haven't realized it. It doesn't help that our batch isn't exactly the most hardworking one there is, or that produced the least number of dean's list recipient - it just makes you feel that what you're doing is right. When it's wrong. Like the usual discontent among my classmates on whatever things COEXIAS, my course club, is doing.
I've tried helping. But then I stopped. Don't know why, but I did. Maybe I got caught up with the current of how okay it is.Yet I look again and find that it's not. But this time I've got to help myself...
Overseas scholarship is on the line here...
Wanna know why?Because I have, with great honesty, been slacking off in school.
And it didn't hit me yet when my not that super excellent macroeconomics test result came out.
Or when I failed to get that much needed full mark for my stats quiz. Or when I realized I'm doing things other than my studying (Like playing football manager - i dozed off playing this game last nite)
No way. I found out that i might get my arse sucked into a hell hole (the "other" hell hole - more dangerous than "that" one). I found out when I looked at people around me. When I see what they're up to, and what they're making of themself. This disillusional life you lead. The life of "There's always tomorrow", or "Things will sort out by itself", or whatever hell they're thinking of. Apparently, that is the sort of mentality i have adopted this year. You have all these... things. But then you're stuck, and you haven't realized it. It doesn't help that our batch isn't exactly the most hardworking one there is, or that produced the least number of dean's list recipient - it just makes you feel that what you're doing is right. When it's wrong. Like the usual discontent among my classmates on whatever things COEXIAS, my course club, is doing.
I've tried helping. But then I stopped. Don't know why, but I did. Maybe I got caught up with the current of how okay it is.Yet I look again and find that it's not. But this time I've got to help myself...
Overseas scholarship is on the line here...
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