Songs that remind you of your bf/gf/crush, the last day of school, those songs that you listen to every time before sitting for tests and also those bubblegum pop guilty pleasures that you only listen to in ur headphones when everyone's asleep.
But this time im not going to go to great lengths to list everything in details. I might save it for next time. Instead i'm going to write a story about the songs (or album) that relates to a friend who just left us last week - Shaalini.

Last night, after sitting for the technical analysis paper, i returned to my room to study for the next morning's quiz. Got bored and opened WMP to smashing pumpkins' ava adore album; one of those album that rarely fail to send me to slumberland. Over the years since form 2, this is an album i consider my lullaby.
But last night i got a new look towards the album. Its no more just a lullaby, its an album that reminds me of a group of friends i enjoy being with.
It was form 2 - some time after my choral speaking team; or in the case of my school's choral speaking history book (if there's such a thing) - THE choral speaking team - won the state level tournament (there was no national level). The school rewarded us with a school bus, complete with a driver to send us anywhere we wanna go, and all 40 (was it?) of us decided to hit penang and one place i remember is gurney plaza. And we got just that.
There in gurney, i remember i ate my first mcd's chicken mcspicy with the creamy cool mcflurry oreo, banana and friends got claypots, the form ones ate at starbucks (kenyang ke?) and the others i cant remember.
And i bought a tape (i use walkman during those days), and it was smashing pumpkins' adore album (i was collecting sp's album those days, and that was the last physical record i have of them). Banana bought an eminem tape, and on the bus on our way home about 9pm, me banana, shaalini, amira, catherine, geeta and geng sat at the back pep talking bout our day. We enjoyed it no doubt and after we got tired chatting, some of us slept, i listened to my newly puschased album.
While listening to it, i looked at some of my friends from my seat. I saw those who were sleeping, reading magazines and listening to their walkmans and those who were still joking around not feeling any tiredness. It was great looking at everyone - the big gang, whom we have trained, eat, joked, performed and ultimately won together - laid content in their seats with the "reward" we rightly earned.
And the people in this gang are some of the first people i know when i first came to kulim. And one of them is Shaalini.
And now she has left us forever, only memories like this one that stays. I cant say much cept Shaalini, thank you for everything - the good and bad times, the old days - u've made your mark in my life, and i appreciate that.