It seems that everyone now owns a blog. My roomate, his friend, those girls from banking and more and more politicians has gone blog-crazy. I guess that pays homeage to the sudden availability of reliable college wifi (and cheap publicity on the politicians part).
Amazing improvement, though a little too late in my part. But its better late than never.
I have a new room this semester. But with the same ol' roomates. Not that i don't like them. I just need a fresh breather. And i clearly have issues with this new room.
I like the location of the room, its on the ground floor so i don't have to burn my already non existent fat, climbing the stairs 3 storeys high like i did for the past 5 semesters. Its near to the academic blocks -wherever you see it- and conveniently situated near oren, pusat islam and the brand spanking new and tasteless food serving food court.
But i fear i might soon die of malaria or aedis(sp?). I practically live with the mosquitos in this new room. The aerosol my roomate bought a week ago is almost finished, and the worst part is it seems that they're immune to the aerosol! It has been 2 weeks now and i can't get myself to terms with this bloodsucking vampire wannabes. And it has been 2 weeks of uninterrupted buggings to my beauty sleep. Btw, at the moment of writing, i just killed 2 with my bare hands *tepuk*.
Its high time to buy a electric mosquito repellent. I hope they're not immune to that as well.
Unlike most ppl i know, the first things i wud do when i go online is checking my facebook and I rarely check my mail.
Ok i'll come clean, i DON'T EVEN check my mail!
And when i do check mine (like minutes ago) i can see big numbers, something like this...

Most messages are facebook updates, but somehow i stumbled upon this mail a friend sent me. The title was "Saya takut hantu dan hantu takut saya".

... ahhh, an innocent PTS level essay.