So UiTM had announced a one week break to all its students. Basically the Perlis campus is just following orders from the main campus after the Melaka campus got themselves quarantined for one week because of swine flu. Other campuses nationwide too followed suit. No one was expecting the news. Well, not in my circle of friends. It came out as a pleasant surprise.
No surprises please? heh...
So, the story went pretty much like this...
I just had my lunch/meeting with some loudmouthed acels committees (wada and uya) at the May Snack Corner and after so much tinkering about the upcoming scrabble challenge (it was to be held last sunday. not to be though) i returned to my room. had a little nice nap after hearing a small rumour regarding the 1 week break from the engineering students. got myself awoken kindly by those "polis jumaat" girls whose very purpose is to chase out the guys to friday prayers. Thank you ladies.
Got myself going to the prayers and as i was about to leave for my room after that, there was this announcement by the khatib/imam saying that uitm Perlis is closing for one week.
Pusat Islam (masjid) went crazy.
It was madness.
So with my home being kinda close to the campus (about a 100km away), i was being lucky. So I packed and joined the engineering guys, heading to the train station. There i saw a lot of UiTM Perlis students.
They should do this every week.