Sunday, January 31, 2010

If Only They Still Don't Know How to Use the Computers.

The only reason soccernet is much better than is that soccernet rarely/doesn't have useless comments from glory hunting nigerian/african readers.

I'm longing to post this into the comment box... to the glory hunters of africa...

Just stick to your fucking team, respect others, and don't degrade other teams as if you are a football pundit. And learn how to type like a proper man damn it! And of course, brush up your fucking English before you post a fucking comment! I am fucking sick of wasting my time reading unintelligible/useless comments from you fucking nigerians at goal!

But has better Seria A news coverage. The world is not fair!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

To Stay or Not to Stay

Lately I've been contemplating whether it is worthwile if I am to go forward with my plan to further my studies elsewhere.

Three years back, I was hell bent on studying my ass off over the course of my diploma studies so that I can study abroad to such an extent where I set myself a Vision 07 - created while I was accompanying my dad for his meeting in Langkawi - and had not gone astray in my quest for overseas education, which is testament to my desire to do so. And so, I succeeded in getting a desirable score in my diploma, and I have the choice to embark on the journey knowing that I'm as good as anyone else who shares the same ambition as I do. And be with those friends and families whom I was envious of for them having the opportunity I don't have up until now.

But somehow, as time passes by, my desire to go that extra mile has gone away little by little. I just spoke to a friend this morning and she hit home that "grey-area" questions and doubts that have gotten into me for quite a time now.

Now for starters, I'm not an adventurous guy. And so I don't like to change things if things are going well. I am now doing my degree and things are sorted out perfectly already. I know what I should aim for at this moment and over the next few years of my studying. I have made (and still am making) friends, old and new and many lecturers know me. I have a cozy place to stay with nice housemates and (cute) neighbours and I cycle to class like some fucking environmentalist.

Secondly, I would have wasted another 6 months of my life crawling my way up the hill of academicia for a degree which is as good a degree I can get over here if I manage to repeat my feat during my diploma days. And that adds to another 6 months I wasted during my time doing matrix.

Thirdly, despite how many times I say I despise Arau, somehow the place has grown over me...

And so, I basically have everything laid out in front of me and I just have to follow the route and feel secure about myself. Which is the way I would like it to be. Secured.

But really, the opportunity of studying abroad doesn't come easily. With the diploma I'm having I can be convinced that I can reach that ambition I was fighting for for the past 3 years. And I'm not convinced of pulling the sort of result I got during then in my degree. And of course, the many useful and precious experience and the different people and culture which can only be obtained abroad.

I'm in a real dilemma.

p/s : sorry for tagging you guys, but i need your opinions... and i'm emoing like a cow on pms! sorry again...

Friday, January 08, 2010

A Dialogue About Allah

I got into a serious discussion with a senior I met from Arau Open, about a very serious issue today regarding the court rule of allowing a Christian publication called "(the) Herald" to use the word Allah in its Bahasa Melayu publication. Mind you, I might be ditsy most of the time but this is an evidence that I can carry out a (coughs) intelligent discussion.

Man, I just have to put in into this blog as reminder. Bwahahaha!!! =B

A dialogue About Allah

Today at 18:53

From link: Sac Zaini When u play with stupid sentimen... ppl gonna get burn. Allah Is For All!!!!

Zaid Bin Mohamad
so you want the herald to be able to use the word allah?

Sac Zaini
so what??? did Islam disallow the use of Allah by others??? Then banning what is not goes against Islam teaching!!!!

Zaid Bin Mohamad
of all the words that describes god why they want to use the word allah? allah, afterall means god. there has got to be something behind them using the word allah.
i don't trust - of all parties who can use the word allah - a christian newsletter. malays, honestly are not smart people. they might fall for it like the indons. i can foresee us being indonesia if this is not curbed.

just my two cents. cheers

Sac Zaini
ha ha ha....Kristian in east malaysia already use them 4 hundred of years.... when we now say that u cant use Allah any more.... becoz "malays, honestly are not smart people", it is fair???
and what wrong with indon now.... ? they moving forward.

Zaid Bin Mohamad
if so happen that in east malaysia they have been using it for hundreds of years, why only recently that it has been used in religious publications? perhaps they can't read bahasa melayu?
but if it(that everybody can use it in RELIGIOUS publications) is allowed what would happen to the future of the malay people? those of our children?
in the future, instead of allah being a Islam god - which has been the general consensus in malaysia for a long time now - our children will then will assume that allah is owned by every other religion. now how can they relate allah to muslim god now that everyone is calling their god allah? the hindus have muruga. buddha is for the buddhists and jebus is for christianity. what about the muslims? the 99names? why we need to change the general understandings? and don't think the majority of the current muslims know that the 99names can be substituted with the word allah, lest teaching their children about it.
and if they really wanna use the word god in bahasa malaysia, why the fuck can't they use the word tuhan instead? its a fuckin perfect bm, why choose an arabic word which in malaysia has been generally understood by everyone - the malays, chinese, indians, etc - as a Islam god?
just stop politicizing this shyte. this is religious matter.... See More
and mind your socio-political knowledge that in indonesia, they have converted millions of indegineous(hindus) AND non-indeginious(sp? muslims) people into christians. simply because indonesians can't read english (amazingly they don't use allah in english publications but they wanna use it in bm texts thinking that allah is a malay word. wtf?)
and of course, every other country in the world except malaysia is moving forward. we have too much political bullshits going around and it has been years now.

Sac Zaini
1. Allah have been in use in BM Bible from Indonesia since 1887!!! so it is not something New.
2. "Cant read BM?" The sabahan n the Sarawakian cant read in English hence the malay translation! and they pray in bm using Allah name.
3. Future??? what will happen to us??? Dont know their own God?? That the probs with education man. Confuse??? unconfuse them. Become poorer, that becoz the Gov is corrupted!!!
4. Allah is Islam God??? In the Koran... Allah Rabbul Alamin = Allah Tuhan Sekalian Alam = Allah the God for the entire Universe!!!
5. Allah Own by Who??? U claimed 2 own Allah???? Damn...!!!... See More
6. Hindu??? Not relevant since it about a christian publication
7. Buddhist ??? Some say that Siddrata Gautama Buddha might be actually a prophet, but his teaching was currupted by his follower as had happen to too many religion.
8. Most of the Ulama' agreed that the Samawi Religion i.e. Jews n Christian can and are "DiHARUSkan= Encouraged" to use Allah.
9. "don't think the majority of the current muslims know that the 99names can be substituted with the word allah, lest teaching their children about it. -- Again EDUCATION!!!!
10. Reason why???
tuhan = ilah =god
God = Al Ilah > Allah = Tuhan, but in BM tuhan and Tuhan was not that different, thus the use of Allah from Arabic.
11. "Generally Understood" for it was rather misunderstood. Allah doesnt belong to 1 religion Or RACE only. He is Rabbul Alamin , The God Of The Whole universe!!!
12. Dont get confused between religion and race,.... plez.
13. Who did politcize this issues , UMNO right?
14. Wont say FUCK U for not knowing, just may Allah show you AND ME AND all Malaysians the Truth.

Zaid Bin Mohamad
1 - in 1887 indonesia, they was no court rule to control such things. but then again indonesia has been known as serambi mekah, so i assume the people there (barring the indeginious(sp??) tribes) were accustomed to relate allah with Islam god. until 1887 of course as islam came wayyy earlier than christianity in the archipelago . it is of course not new over there but it is here in malaysia.

2 - so teach them proper bm that we use tuhan instead of the arabic word allah.

3 - it is understood the quality of both the gomen and education are poor, by calling back the court ruling regarding the use of "allah" in christian publications is one way to help stop the future "confusions" pertaining from it in our children's generation.... See More

4 - Of course its for all. but how will our children relate allah to islam now that the name allah is for every other religion to use? anyone cares to help devising a guaranteed education system to curb this?

5 - cmon. "allah is owned" as in the NAME allah is owned. you know what i mean.

6 - just an example.
7 - interesting.
8 - i got this from somewhere. i dunno whether you wud feel anything about it :
Anda sanggup kalimah Allah di gunakan dalam upacara agama lain? Jika kita lihat ajaran sesat, mereka masih percaya padal Allah cuma perkara lain yg dipesongkan. Sama juga halnya dgn penggunaan Allah pada agama Kristian. Anda mahu kalimah Allah dinyanyikan koir gereja diiringi piano? Mendengar mereka memanggil Allah Isa anak Allah? Kalimah Allah di jadikan tangkal? rantai? Ni bukan isu kecik lagi. Lebih besar daripada isu penghinaan terhadap Nabi Muhammad swt. Apakah tanda semua ni? Allah mahu lihat kita bersatu? renungkanlah...
afterall, they are already golongan terpesong...

9 - again, understood v.v
10 - owh, dont use complicated words. tuhan is good enough. or ilah. but not allah. seems the herald themselves need to be taught bm.

11 - general consensus indicates that Allah is Islam god IN MALAYSIA. we are talking about a local issue here. if we are to use the word Allah in the middle east, there wont be any problem coz it means god already over there. just ask the (almost) majority christians in lebanon.

12 - again, we're talking about the general view of the word Allah IN MALAYSIA. go ask other people on the street regardless of what race they are. they understand it is Islam god.

13 - yeah. the fuckin UMNOs and other parties involved.

14 - ok, ok... understood...

Sac Zaini
1. 1887 a. no court??? there r court... the british court and the syariah court n the local tribe court. read history man!!!
b. Indon Kristian use Allah for God, not a prob... Since Indon is Serambi Mekah, they should have been more sensitive right?? nope they have no prob with it becoz Allah Have any prob with that....
c. Not new is malaysia i.e. (Remember since 1887 BM Bible in sarawak n sabah!!!)

2. Rather Teach and learn more about ur God that ask others to learn more BM??? Fix our self rather that us other pll to fix the prob.... See More

3. If we teach them properly, esspecially about Tauhid... it wont be a prob in the future. (read no 2).

4. How? Education.... Better Education... Who care??? we are... so r the one who should fix it. dont ask other ppl to clean ur own mess.

5. U have copyrighted Allah. The name Allah Belong to HIm Alone... And had no prob if the Christian or jew etc called by that name.

8. read this

Above anything else... the question of Faith... lets Allah decide.

10. Allah is a simple word........

11. So every muslims in the whole world is OK, just in Malaysia??? that the prob is Malaysian Muslim... Education (ha ha ha.... it get annoying right?)

12. ask the ppl in sabah and sarawak... the christian!!! who do they pray 2??? Allah. it is right or wrong??? Let Allah be the judge!!!

13 n 14. The first party to say "fuck U" usually loses... coz SAC say so!!!!

extra: And dont ever say Malay are not smart!!! I'm a Malay and i'm as smart as anyone on earth!!!
about an hour ago ·

Zaid Bin Mohamad
alrite now, we've gone too far... i just need to be clear on one thing.

why - of all parties - the herald uses allah instead of tuhan in their publication? are you sure it is intended ONLY towards the sarawak/sabahans and not the weat msian malays? any chance that these publications can influence/mislead our children in the future?

i just wanna keep it safe. i don't want them to use the word. not everybody - and that might include your children - are not as holy and smart as you. in the future, your muslim friend's kids might not be a muslim. dont say its not possible.... See More

and about the Malaysia thing... you need to understand that in law, a order of contract(in this context, the word allah) has got to be commonly understood in relation with the other paty's (general populace's) understanding of the words in it in order for a agreement to suffice. and here to imply with the context, the general consensus in malaysia is allah is Islam god. im just adopting the law concept. (but the court ruled otherwise. but im not a law student anyway)
lets not go far coz like i said earlier, we are not as smart as you and unlike you the majority of us malaysians already assume that allah is Islam god.

Zaid Bin Mohamad
good read! i like your link. nad in particular this paragraph...

Sekali lagi perlu diingatkan, perlu diperbezakan keputusan hukum dan siyasah syar'iyyah. Sekuat manapun hujjah untuk membenarkan kristian menggunakan nama Allah, namun hujjah dari sudut mudarat dan kesesuaian konteks di Malaysia, larangan amat patut dilakukan, sama ada untuk tempoh ... See Moretertentu atau berterusan atau mungkin boleh dibenarkan tetapi dengan syarat-syarat tertentu seperti semua bahan cetak yang ingin diedarkan itu perlu mendapat kelulusan KDN bagi setaip keluarannya dan juga dilaksanakan sekatan pengedaran secara terbuka (hanya terhad kepada penganut Kristian). Ini penting bagi menghindarkan mudarat yang boleh menimpa orang awam Islam yang sedang lemah, dan ruang konflik antara agama yang amat mudah ternyala api pergaduhan.

this should be the solution. you agree?

Sac Zaini
1. Why not, Is it wrong 4 them to say "ALLAH create this world" or "Allah loved peace". Of coz there is a prob if the said Allah have son. So to prevent that, create law to control the use of Allah to that extend i.e. cant use Allah to describe idols or Jesus. it is better that a blanket ban that make us, Malaysian and Muslim as tyrant and oppressor of the weak/minority.

2. Misled(?)-- Again EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!

3. I'm not Holy, but i'm smart, an no one is as smart as me... ever, becoz each individual are smart in their own way, even u!!!... See More

4. In term of faith, Even the Prophet Muhammad cant convert his uncle, Abu Thalib into Islam. i shows that we cant do any thing if Allah decide that ur children is gonna be a christian or anything else. what we can do is just try our best to educate them, and the rest is up to Allah.

5. Law ok. Malaysia highest law is the constitution, which we all agreed on(although most of us, including me, never read them). It guarenteed the right to practise each religion. If the Sabahan and the Sarawakian had use Allah for hundred of years, then it it they inherited right to continue to use them, as long as it doesnt coz direct harm. Before today, it was a non-issue, proving that no harm. the harm came not becoz of the use of Allah, But OUR IGNORANCE of Allah's will.

6. Assumption are made by the ignorant, Faith cant be strengthen by mere assumption n ignorance, but by wisdom and knowledge.

Sac Zaini
The Herald are strictly for Katholik Christian only and all publication in Malaysia must get the permission from the KDN. it's in the status-qou!!!

btw, I suppose its not too late to say...