Which is what I'm doing for this post.
Unlike the years past, this time I will give comments on whether the things I've gone through this year is a good thing or a bad thing. That is to say, it will be easier for me to judge whether this year is a good year or a bad year. And it seems that posting things into blogs and having a fb account kinda help in recalling the memories - oh, I didn't waste my time that bad it seems! So, here goes...
I made a new year's resolution. For almost 10 years since the day I realised that there are people who create targets for them to achieve in a short time span of 1 year, I (Zaid Mohamad) have been quite a fan of creating new year's resolution. I think the idea of making one shows how ambitious you are. You have a target to achieve, you have bad things in you that you want to change - that said, you realise your weakness(es) and that means you're in the right path to become a proper person. Yes!
But during the same 10 years I too realised that I rarely look at them, lest trying to do any of the things listed in it. So for the year 2009 I made this - complete with a hot chick in it and being a pc background regular for almost 2 months. So Zaid of the future, lets analyse this together shall we?

- Fitter, happier, more productive - I'm stil 53kg. My dad accuses me of worshiping talking skeletons due to my small arms and small frame making me the odd one out in a family of healthy happy eating people. I rarely carry weights or heavy stuffs and I didn't join any physical-based activities/sports. Except for golf. But I think that was last year. I'm still single and desperate. But I'm fairly happy with how things are going at the moment. I didn't get a job (or tried to get one) so I'm not productive. How I see it - bad
- Breakfast, vegies... - Like most people I know at UiTM Perlis, breakfast is as common to them as tree eating aliens. But at least I'm starting to open up to more types of vegies other than sayur kobis, kacang, tomatoes (which for the purpose to beef up this segment-is a fruit btw), carrots and mushrooms. How I see it - good, I'm eating vegies almost everyday now
- Complete assignments within time, getting 4.0 - AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! How I see it - bad, bad , bad!!!
- Excercise at gym 3 times a week - Bullshit, but at least I jogged about 10 times until... February? How I see it - bad
- Be polite - I think my mom has instilled into me the basics (saying thank you, greet people, open doors to others, giving away my seat to old people). And I'm pretty convinced I've cut my sarcasm out into half (haha). I rarely encounter any animals nowadays. HISI - good
- Overall for new year's resolution - Quite balanced, but it tilts towards bad more, thanks to the assignments part. BAD
- Masterminded a charity drive to help the Palestinians. As president of ACELS, and having a paltry army of active members of 5 (then), though last minute, we managed to collect about RM300 in less than 3 hours! Good PR excercise, and for a good cause. How I see it - good
- In January I knew that I'll become 21 in two months time. So I thought I was young. Not until I rode a mechanical superquick merry-go-round (substitute the horsies with spaceships) at a fun fare in Arau and went neuseatic(sp?) and had to return to campus with the aid from a police officer on duty (he initially thought I was drunk) at his conviniently placed pondok polis, just next to the fun fare, with many fun fare goers fixing their eyes at my "drunkenness". Masjid buddies Amin and Anwar returned to campus wayyy later. How I see it - bad, I just posed myself as a drunkard to the Arau public.
- Kaka left Milan for Madrid - Initially - like any other fans - I was opposed to this move. But in the end its not so bad afterall. Especially having watched them beat Real at the Bernebeu(sp?) 3-2 was a footballing justice. How I see it - good
- Organised different activities for ACELS, and succeeding in each one of them. - Scrabble, KL trip (though met a few bitches), sketch competitions, charity drive, all were good. I'm impressed myself! HISI - good
- Shaalini, Michael Jackson, Yasmin Ahmad, some prominent Malaysian academic, Keith Floyd, several Hollywood celebrities and other famous people who I can't recall at the moment died this year. HISI - its always not good when it comes to death.
- Swine flu, and the UiTM swine flu break - I think in general, Malaysia is not affected that bad. And the swine flu break was rather timely. HISI - good
- McCurry 1-0 McDonalds - In the spirit of Malaysia boleh!, we beat the hell out of the greedy Americans. And I read in FHM not long ago, that this case is famous worldwide! For a moment, amidst the tiring political climate that have blanketed Malaysia since the Bodohwi era, I feel proud to be a Malaysian. HISI - good

- I changed the blog appearance - Its long overdued, but worth it. HISI - good
- The UiTM Perlis library internet is fucking slow - I'm impressed that we managed to get an ISO award for the library. But then again, even Malaysia's fastest internet provider is a joke to compare with other countries. I remember that because of the poor internet speed, investors from Australia opted to pull out their millions of dollars of investment into our country. HISI - bad for the economy. bad for fb junkies.
- I created a twitter account - I don't know how to use it. People say its fun. But I'm still in the dark at this one. Perhaps I've just wasted 1 hour of my life creating a twitter account. I hope I find it useful in the future. HISI - bad
- Becoming an emcee at Arau Open Debating Championship 2009 - The organising team was great. We did the impossibles! And for the first few weeks after then I was genuinely missing those people. HISI - good

- Still in the "range" - Academically, the CGPA went down like a squirrel being shot by a BB gun. But still, I defied all odds. Cramming everything during exam weeks still works for me. Though this year's results have been taking way too many of my pointers. Especially the most recent one. I think I will get kicked in the balls by myself from part 3, if ever time travel is made possible. HISI - bad, efforts done during the first 3 sems wasted.
- Twilight - Girls and gaylords have been crazy about a certain Rob Pat. But now it seems the power shift has tilted a bit towards the Jacob camp. But really, the Maldives are getting drowned and its getting ever hotter outside. Some shitty novels shouldn't be screened, but its Hollywood stuff and some hot guys act in it. And now more trees will be killed for more lousy novels such as this (and for the movie promos and posters). Those groupies should support against global warming. HISI - bad
- Scored a band 8 for my IELTS - Woh, giler ah! HISI - good
- Bought an awesome phone - And some asshole stole it. HISI - bad, and I'm gonna kill the thief. Twice!
- Had a solo trip to Langkawi - I learned that without your parents around, you can actually do many things like walking at the beach till 3am sipping a hot and refreshing cup of teh-o', after introducing some hot foreign chicks in a 2-piece bikinis to nasi paprik (which they all love) and some Halloween partying. And I went to a spa for a Thai massage (RM70 well spent, and its the first time having a proper massage). All this during the exam week! Overall, it tastes like freedom. HISI -goooooddd
- Smoked cigars - I think it's like fried fish. Some people like it, some people hate it. I don't have anything against them, the health ministry said it kills - but the air is polluted enough anyway - but I still can't get the hang out of it. Even after almost a box of it. It's overrated, but its a useful ice-breaking tool. HISI - good for experience
- Arrested by pak guards - UiTM Perlis pak guards are a bunch of assholes. Especially the head of the pak guards. They're so uptight, act as if they're the most proper, well mannered people. Trivial matters such as having (tolerable) long hair is seen as a crime in their eyes. They should die a slow death. HISI - good. At least I realise who this bunch are.
- Paid a simple visit to my old house in Georgetown - Its occupied so I can't get in. But at least I know that the house is pink and gay. And they have installed gates! HISI - is of sentimental value. good.

- Had the worst ever fever I could remember - I tought it was swine flu. It was not. I was left limping on the bed unable to turn my body sideways due to a chronic cough disease stemming from Indonesia's casual attitude towards Malaysian air space - haze. And I missed the grad year dinner. HISI - bad
- I met Man Kidal - the Axe Man! - good

- World economic recession - Retrenchment towards 100k Malaysians is a very very huge number. Price of food still high though didn't escalate like during Bodohwi's management. There's a slight deflation, though nothing significant. Investors who bought equities while the KLCI was 600 should be eating lobsters for snack by now. How I see it - bad. I didn't invest in equities.
- Had casual relationships - With a few girls. Though not serious but the dates at least gave me other things to do other than facebooking fiercely like a woman possessed. How I see it - good
- Broke my dad's car side mirror - A red lorry did it dad. A RED lorry! How I see it - bad
- Malaysia bought an F1 team - Unlike last year's (or last last year's) Malaysian government publicity stunt in sending a space tourist (and half a billion ringgit) to... outer space, though the 1Malaysia racing team have caused a almost similar stir in our country as to why the tax payers money are used on something useless instead of towards the welfare of the populace, somehow I see it as an exciting investment. If we can get a few points that is. HISI - bad. They should use the money as scholarships to desperate deserving young Malaysians (please lar JPA)
- Offered a degree in finance. At Arau campus. HISI - bad because I need a breath of fresh air. Its getting stale in there.
- Blogged at least one topic per month. Not a bad attempt to prolong the usefullness of this blog. And somehow I feel accomplished. HISI - good
p/s : Just bought a cheap RM93 Nokia1202. Text me people. And I love Kim Tae-Hee.