"Sarcasm is a pleasure but it should never be embraced by those who can't control their emotion..."
- Some cute boy I've known for 10 years now
Zaid of the future, if you're reading this you will notice that it was a pretty sad period for satire at the moment.
Hayibo.com announced 4 days ago that they're closing down shop due to funding problems thus depriving you, Zaid of your weekly shot of satire grande' (yeah, they're your number 1 satire site since the unforgettable vuvuzela ranting masterpiece).
And just as recently and within our own shores, Hassan Skodeng of the Nose4news fame is being dragged into and out of court for a rather nonsensical accusation of spreading lies and flaming (to put it simply, for I'm no law/journo student) for a satire-standard entitled "TNB to sue WWF Over Earth Hour". Which was funny as hell the first time I read it through a few months ago. And of course, knowing it was (to quote it from the site itself), true lies.
Though it seems that some overseas-educated GLC big wigs happen to fail to grasp what's what. Talking about lacking sense of humour, I wonder how their kids cope up with them.
Anyway, just had a chatter with an old friend from my days in KK (the chatter is put in chronological order below). Amazingly, we shared something in common. The only reason I'm posting this up is because Zaid, it has been a looong time since you had any discussion with anyone resembling anything of intelligence (this one is pretty much 35%, perhaps less, but I'm getting there!) and the fact that that old friend of yours is cute. Haha!
If there happen to be anyone else reading this, hopefully you will learn a little something about us the sarkies. Yeah, we have bad personality alright, but we're not endangered species so we'll be hanging around your neighbourhood a little lot longer than you think :P
Btw, I think I got the "you and me" tangled up up there, but you get the point right? Righttt??? :B

ps : Though it might be a month too late, but I think I have to give a mention about the movie "The Expendables" for being the awesomest ultra-badass movie ever. Like everrrr!!! And I thought I almost grow some chest hair after watching the movie! A testosterone overload, don't let your girlfriends watch it, they might grow some mustache after watching Sylvester Stallone et al. shoot the hell out of peoples' head with their bazookas! :B
pss : My silver baby arrived yesterday. Her name is Baby Milmo. Pardon the cheesy-ness, but the i-10 is sooo cute I can't help but keep calling her Bebeyyy!!! Though obviously at 1.10, she is not meant for racing on the motorway :B
psss : My target amount of duit raya collection this year is RM50. Saham jatuh cos dah tua, but getting RM50 even when I'm 22 is like equating myself to an overvalued stock, no?? Haha!