The first time I saw you this semester I knew that I love you.
I remember the time when I was walking past you countless times at Mushroom, and the time when I saw you and your friends going to class while I was hanging out with my friends at the foyer at HEP.
And also that time when I was waiting for a friend at Bank Islam during some carnival I fail to recall, only to tell her that I wanna wait there longer at the bank just to catch a further glimpse of your face (you were behind her at the ATM queue), and of course at Oren while I was having lunch with my friends. And I remember that whenever I looked into your eyes during those times, you would offer me a smile that melts me deep inside. And I'd happily smile back in return, grateful to have you acknowledging my existence. That few seconds of contact for me was magic.
That's when I realised that this is it, you're the one for me.
Without doubt, because of your smile, I had a huge crush on you babe. THAT huge! Which every time I saw you, I felt the urge to go straight to you and ask for your number, and your name, so that I can text you and later tell you of my feeling towards you which I can't help concealing anymore. But somehow, each and every time that chance of seeing you arose, cowardice failed me. But really, I was desperate to at least know your name, which had been a question lingering over my head for over a month.
That was about to change. The day I saw you with your friend Riri that Wednesday evening at the Ramadan bazaar at Mushroom gave me the drive to go that extra mile. You wore a pink top that day babe, and your smile was as sweet as the jagung madu :P
I decided to make contact with you no matter what, and so I searched for you on facebook. I remember Riri and so I was scouring through her friends list from A to Z, searching for that smile that captivated me, that lovely face that has been etching deep in my mind for over a month. They say perseverance is key to success, perhaps that is indeed the case. And finally that Wednesday evening, I knew the name of the person I have fallen for.

Zulaikha Zainal Abidin, this is my story...