To the person concerned, thank you very much for the ice-cream, I love Cornetto, and if possible, I would love to make it up to you by asking you out to dinner. No, I do not want the money for the car scratch, because my dad said it was ok. The only reason I went high and mighty in my ranting was that I was in the mood for angry upsetness towards a kampung midget I am currently having issues with. And that person is not you.

Gambar raya. Maaf zahir dan batin.
Again, I'm sorry. I don't think words are enough to express how I feel, so I dedicate this video to express how sorry I am.
Btw, I still think Pak Din and Andrey Arshavin were right. (To avoid controversy, not all) female drivers are bad drivers. Cheers! :D
*The original post is now being kept as a draft for future reference. Probably when I am old and only have memories left to resort to keep me smiling. The post is retrievable upon request, though to avoid further conflict, only those I trust will be granted permission.
**Apparently, 1/3 of people are excited about the fact that today is 10/10/10. Our national space tourist weds today. I didn't know being a space tourist can give you celebrity status.