"Dear friends, I might not be able to see off the week after this for I am now a target of a kill fest extravaganza. I might be murdered anytime next week by tests and assignments. I have nothing to giveaway for inheritance except for a bloody load of money in my ASB and in several other bank accounts. And a car :B"
23 September at 6.02pm
"Zaid Bin Mohamad is trying to convince himself that assignments and tests are beneficial to his future, and the tree logging industry :B "
26 September at 10.32am
"Zaid Bin Mohamad is trying to convince himself that assignments and tests are beneficial to his future, and the tree logging industry :B "
26 September at 10.32am
"Tens and thousands of forest trees are being logged down everyday worldwide and for what? To torture the young fragile innocent minds of students everywhere?? Oh c'mon! Fuck you ISLM! Fuck you in the name of environment!! "
Thursday at 11.45am (30/10/2010)
" I studied like hell, sat for the paper, and I left feeling screwed up. Could've got the same result if I didn't study anyway. fml... "
Thursday at 10.21pm (30/10/2010)
The stuff up here are some of the most recent facebook rantings I have posted over the past week. Basically, these statuses tells a story of my university-life cycle. And this is the part nearing the end of the cycle. I call it the crunch time period, where people basically go crazy. Or at least I do :B
The reason why is because this is the part during every semester where tests and assignments pile up and work in tandem to kill off whatever that have left of me after the tedious mid sem exams. Test after test, over complicated assignments and overall horror makes up the theme of this period I am suffering in at the moment.
Now, I have just screwed up 2 papers, another one test coming up on Monday night and I have yet to start prepping up for that one, I have managed to get rid off a few assignments though one super big one is yet to be completed due next Thursday, and I still haven't been given the needed input from group members for Monetary Economics presentation. There's a trip I need to be part of come next next week and another 2 tests coming up around that time as well!
In short, I hate this period of over-activity. I hate tests and assignments. How about you?

"Wildlife habitat is rapidly being destroyed worldwide due to tree logging for paper and construction industry, and for development. Cute mammals like these baby orang utans are at the brink of extinction. I think. Boycott exams, save trees!"
Moving on to the other news, I'm single again, ladies! :B