No clean water, and I can't bathe and shyte in peace, and I can't cook maggie mee.
I am running out of food stocks and almost every shops are closed. I'm starving.
I am running out of phone credit and I can't call my mama.My car is running out of petrol so it's hard to go places without fear of the car stopping midway, and I can't even get out of Arau cos the flood is blocking all the roads to Kangar/other places with a petrol station.
That, and I need to stretch my RM7 until tomorrow evening at the very least cos I'm running out of cash :B
And I have an exam (Malaysian Derivatives) tomorrow morning.
I am now officially (and for the first time) a flood victim. Damn!
This is what I intend to put in my Facebook status. But Facebook said the maximum I can put in a status is 420 characters. This is 600++ characters.

I just bought 2 rolls of tissue paper so that I can wipe my arse tomorrow if need be, cos there is no clean water coming out of the taps. Or any other taps in Arau. And oh, I have 3 weeks worth of laundry to settle, and I can bet my car that the laundry shops are closed. I have a feeling I will not bathe today and even tomorrow.
I'm gonna stink.

P/s : Pictures taken without permission from Kopi O Ais.