It seems that Football Manager 2011, like it's predecessor, Football Manager 2010 is not made for my laptop. The same problem persists, even after I installed the original Windows 7, which led me to think that I either have to bring it to the shops and ask for what exactly is the matter (and costs me money to get it fixed) or give up hopes altogether and save money; simply play the first season and delete the file and imagine what could've been if I can get a few more seasons going which the laptop isn't giving, which is of course, depressing.
And so I decided to take a break from being a football manager and have a serious online session. It has been a long time now since my last serious internet session. Ever since I got home for the semester break, the longest I went online was 4 hours, and that was an odd one out since I only got online like an average less than an hour/day, everyday since I got home cos of my Football Manager addiction :B
That's when I opened up the WMP, set it at random and suddenly it played a "Brilliant Green" song. It was bliss.

Introducing The Brilliant Green (pix from
For those who are alien to Japanese pop culture and music, or even if you are a fan (cos there's a good chance you have no idea of who they are, they're like a Jpop/Jrock best kept secret, I think), the band consists of 3 members. 2 guys and a girl. I can't remember the name of the guys but the female lead's name is Tomoko Kawase, one of those serious celebrity crushes I had when I was still an innocent school going kid. She's like the ultimate cute rock chick out there. Every aspiring rock chick out there should shun away from Avril Lavigne or Miley Sirus(sp?) cos Tommy (Tomoko Kawase) sets the standard right. Like seriously.

Moar Buriguri goodness!!! (Pix from

Tomoko Kawase is love... (from
And since I just rediscovered the band after a long while, she has now returned to my personal list of babes I seriously consider wanting to get married with (which is a top 5 list that changes periodically according to time and taste, and Megan McCormick of Glob Trekker fame and Lisa Surihani are currently battling out for top spot :B ) after a long hiatus.
Anyways, it has been a long time now since I last seriously listen to Japanese songs. And I welcome this return to "Japanese-ness". The band was my favourite during my high school days. That and Radiohead. And with that it brings nostalgia. It seems that I have gone a long way now, music-taste wise, in that the laptop and the CDs in my car have been playing post-rock, alternative, down tempo electronics, alt folk, experimental pop, prog, blues, classical and jazz (how musically eclectic I am surprisingly, though there's still no room for hip hop(barring Asher Roth. Hey look, a bracket in a bracket!) and trashy MTV fodders) over the years since then.
I remember that this is one of the earliest bands which music I downloaded online (remember 2003/04, the days when Streamyx was awesome? And the now defunct Kazaa?). I used to have all of their albums in my music library and I used to scour the music stores to see whether they sell The Brilliant Green CDs, which if they did I would've already owned legal physical copies of them, which is of course not the case. Some of their songs are in my lifetime favourites. I remember listening to them, enjoying good honest rock n' roll before I got myself exposed to complex experimental music of Radiohead, Sigur Ros and the others over the years which is not entirely a bad thing. I remember listening to them every time I went online after school back then. I remember listening to some of their songs over and over again for weeks and never got tired of it.
I miss 2003, it was all perfect back then.
P/s : Apparently, I had missed out on Buriguri when they released an album in 2007. And they had just released another one this year! This is one of the new songs from Buriguri (The Brilliant Green). Enjoy ;D