In the spirit of experimentation, I chose what I first thought a cunningly disguised cucumber juice only to be proved wrong and got myself equally marveled at the ignorance I had while at the shops as I often overlooked the dull-looking green canned drink and the taste of sheer soothness this can of wintermelon tea(pictured above) has brought my body to.
Indeed, this can of wonder belies it's apparent mono-coloured non attractive visual package on it's container as it's soothingness and indescribable pleasant taste demands my wallet to allocate RM1.50 everyday exclusively just to purchase a can of this drink. Definitely this drink deserves better can jacket and marketing, no?
And, in the spirit of sharing, I would like to recommend my readers to try a can to get the sticky hotness feeling of Arau Saudi(or anywhere else with a 40 Celcius temperature) out of the system.
No, I'm not working for Yeo's.