You wanted him,
He wanted me...
And I wanted you...
Altered a little from the song Automatic Stop - The Strokes
I'm not feeling entirely down at the moment. Despite tons of assignments, read - FMI (due next week), CF (presentation on April Fool's Day, handover of assignment on the next Monday by 12), QMT test on Sunday, RM the next day and RM super assignment before the finals - I'm not feeling bad, albeit a little bit.
I think that in the future, our grand kids will uncover that tests and assignments are the ones that contribute to global warming. Imagine all those trees being murdered so that lousy novels like the twilight saga get printed out and college students all around the world got their live span reduced while bravely battling out in exam halls and meeting deadlines...
Haih, time to get serious with work...
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see...