Zaid of the future, at this point you were writing this post using microsoft word on a UiTM bus, on your way back from the presumably horrible Personal Development trip at Morib (which proved to be mildly otherwise, thank God), nursing rather painful shots on your right arm from paintball quietly at the back of the bus. Listening to Sufjan Stevens after watching a Russell Peters rerun and waiting desperately for your facebook home to finish uploading its content with about a hundred updates waiting to be responded at, due to the ridiculously poor internet speed that could have challenged the legendary dial-up, and win in straight sets. And in the safe knowledge that you have just missed Kings of Convenience live at The Curve and one of the many girls you were having a terrible crush this year (and somehow she knows it) has been avoiding any contact with you–eye, conversation, etc -
The personality test I took while I was at Morib says that I’m a “lover”. She happens to be in the same group. I think I fall in love rather easily. Is this some kind of mental illness I'm having for falling in too easily??? Coz I think, I love her... Help me. Please?

A down-sized photo art of "I Want To Go To You" by Seanfl. My top 3 deviantart favs.