In 5 days I will turn 22. In 5 days, I'll be leaving for Pantai Morib. In 5 days, I won't be able to assure myself that what I'll face there is anything of passable substance.
For whatever self enriching personal development topics that I've gone through in MGTxxx class, I still feel it doesn't bode well with my principals and nature in regards to the trip.
No, I don't like being in a bus for 5 hours, I'll get dizzy. I don't like being away from cyberspace for not longer than 2 days coz I'm addicted to it. I don't like living in dorms, I just hate it. I don't like (being shot at) paintball. I don't like having to sacrifice my dignity just to entertain some random kids with a talentless display of lip syncing Hindi songs on stage. Or giving motivational speech since I myself am not motivated to go for the trip. I don't like doing something I'm not in total command of, especially during my birthday!!!
So this time around, there will - of course - not be any birthday bash. Because of the trip to Morib. But still, since I tagged you guys into reading this piece of crap, I am having (a glimmer of) hope to at least have half of my birthday wishlist this year delivered/done/given/made/etc... to me, by you guys instead of egging me in a public display of brutality(which I managed to avoid last year due to people having forgotten my existence, and birthday). Btw, here goes :
- A long sleeved shirt for paintball. Neither orange nor yellow in colour. (shirt and stuff)
- Sony Ericsson(sp?) W-595. That same exact model and colour which got stolen by a certain celaka last year. (gadgets)
- A jade choker. I lost mine. (accessories)
- New strings for my electric guitar. Dah berkarat teruk dah!
- A new pair of pristine white flip flops. (accessories)
- Sigur Ros' Heima DVD. Orang kata the packaging is awesome and the album overall got a 4.5 at sputnikmusic. (music)
- Money
- Dan Brown's The Solomon Temple (books)
- Awek. Aku single lagi. (orang)
- Ticket and ride to watch Kings of Convenience Live at Bentley Music Auditorium at The Curve on 21/3 (gigs)
- Fresh undies. Mine's getting old. (shirt and stuff)
- A sassy cute chic to spend the night with (definitely not getting one...)
- Delicious, nutritious, non-poisonous MEALS (realise the capital S in it?) (free food)
- Next month's FHM (magz)
- Hamba abdi (orang)
- A watch. The ones with cool design. I don't mind cheap ones.(accessories)
- Stockings (accessories)
- A leather jacket so girls will go wild and for other guys to get jealous at. Or a body fit punyer sweater macam orang skarang slalu pakai. (accessories)
- Lene Marlin. I want her to perform in my bedroom. Tak pon Wondergirls!!! xD
- Trip to Iceland. (pictured above)
- Deodorant, shower gel. Nak habis dah (toiletries)
- A cap (accessories)
- Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife (books)
- A fridge to store my food (electrical appliances)
- A 80GB minimum external hard disk(electronics)
p/s : It has been 3 days now since I last had water running in my bathroom. Which also means that I haven't shyte for the past 3 days. Though there's water downstairs, I don't feel like doing business down there. It's just that I don't feel proper. But somehow, I can't keep it in any longer. It's time to get the bike...