So, it has been 3 weeks since my last post... blurgh, i was fucking busy... missed lotsa world cup actions, damn it!I missed all of the Italian matches (cept for the match against the Checz(sp?)... thank god for astro coz ada repeat)... and since its the World Cup season, im gonna talk football!!!
So here are what i have to say bout this season's world cup...
- I fucking love Italy... and oso their league (hopefully Milan wont be demoted to serie B : )but i think argentina will win this year... nehow, am soooo gonna watch the Italy-Ukraine lash... damn u sheva!I wanna see u and ur country crash and burn!!!Muahahahha!!!
- Brazil somehow hv juz got their form in time... but i dun wanna see any Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Robinho and wtv "-does" and "-hoes" nemore in z final... its tiring to see them everywhere, on the telly lar, kedai mamak lar and even my fren's cube!... blurgh...
- No surprise package in this season's World Cup's q-finals... well, cept for Ukraine, but theyre expected to do well... they have the pedigree to reach the q-finals neway.so.dull. :B
- Spain again in pain... My mom and i tipped them to go far this year, but hell... -.-" fuck you france!
- Argentina is doing fantastic... I hate the Germans.you got the idea.
- I wanna buy carlos tevez in my FM game... and fabio canavarro too :B
- I tipped the argentinians to meet the italians in the final (or will they meet earlier?)... ALL HAIL FAVOURITISM!!!
kay, nuff bout the World Cup.
Two (or was it 3?) weeks ago i went to my ns camp.
yes, my ns camp to collect my ns cert and oso tgk my ns buddies for the last time (actually nak tengok majlis penutup... but i arrived 2 hours late... blurgh).Damn it was so emo man... my frens too...
And in my wildest dreams... i dined wif the teachers... twice!in the teacher's dining hall... which is a kawasan larangan... dined there with my other ns buddies who left earlier for matrix... Had a chat wif my company's teach, Cikgu Haji Hassan (ur the best!), he remembered me...
...of coz he remembered me!:B
and he even blanja me and my fwens bandung!
Man, i cant believe im saying this, but i miss ns... tawfik, adilah, izzaty, che (mai aku bunuh ko) kam, Jat, Key-me (i met ur fren bunchit in my college), fifi, denise, and raj!!!I MISS YOU ALL DUDE!!!Here are some ns pix :
pix courtecy(sp?) of denise... aka the one in the last pix... syasya still owes me pix :B
Now, bout the college.CC is now open it has been a regular hang out place for me for the last 3 nites.The abang cc oso plays lotsa nice songs and once i swear he played the In Flames once! :No more blocking means i can access my friendster and chat around in windows msgr (no MSN tho :B)... so pretty much im happy over here, as for now... but i wud be happier if the abang cc bagi main free... BWAHAHAHHAHA
Met a chic over there, kinda cute but too bad she has moustache...
So this fren of mine keep on singing "miiiisaiiii...." whenever shes around which sounds raunchy... what the hell lar he learnt in skolah agama?lol
quiz has been almost a weekly event in my class, my grades are improving... : ) but i damn malas wanna study now, got world cup to follow and tomoro wanna lepak wif my buddies before they left for kl... man... im still stuck in kulim... suxorzzzz...
well im kinda rushing now, coz of coz, since its, uhm... the WORLD CUP season, i wanna play football manager... w00t!!! xDxDxD