Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Like Women – A Depressing Piece of Unapologetic Emoism

I long to speak to you in private,
Saying “I love you,
And do you love me too?”
But I’m scared like shit
To say this otherwise gay but simple set of words.
I fear rejection. No.
I fear how you’ll treat me once I let go of this feeling I can’t help.
I risk friendship for this you know.
Well, that might answer why some men,
however good looking they are still staying single. (ehm)
Ah! I might end up being gay
If I keep on contemplating about this every day.
I have a friend who sings like Elton John.

I can’t remember the last time i posted a poem or any form of word art. I think I’m going to die. Thank you.