Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Malaysia's First Space Tourist Tonight!

If sigur ros' glosoli video was the best video for last year, then this year's (as of now... still 2 months till next year) super furry animals' run away gets the honour.

its a new release, just been released this week actually and i saw it on channel [v]'s record shop yesterday and simply put, genius! it has been a loooong time since i watched anything as good as this since radiohead's just. we need more of this...

anyways, another new release is on today. arguably(sp?) the best band on the planet -radiohead- had released their 7th studio album after a very very long 5 years called "in rainbows" and its available for downloads starting today at here. so i can pay whatever i want for the album, but i need a hardcopy for this one. im a fan. based from a reputable source, i might have to wait for next year till its available in stores.

have to start saving rm40 today!

so raya is on friday is it? no baju raya this year...