Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I Had Lunch at Juliana and I Saw This...

"Dyesebel and Fredo, mermaid and man, love each another against all odds in this quaintly Filipino story." - the star online

You can follow the show at 2pm, ASTRO Prima on tuesdays.

Ever watched a foreign tv show where you won't bother understanding the cheesy storyline, trying to make sense of something (obviously) illogical, and just marvel at the hotness of the smoking hot asian chicks wearing sexually suggestive mermaid-costumes (got the hint?) for a full one hour without bother reading a single word from the subs (they speak filipino) while eating nasik paprik?

Well, I have.

And apparently, if you follow this link you will learn that the tv series (and the hot chicks) are making wave internationally, making it one of the most successful filipino tv series ever!

I don't have class this evening due to the lecturers having a meeting with the new VC. Though there's a chance the RM class will still go as usual, I'm still hell bent not to attend the class at 4:30 even if there's any. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

Thank you.