Monday, February 12, 2007

A Stingray Killed Steve Irwin

What the fuck happened to blogspot?I haven't been online for a week and now i have to register unnecessary shyte with shyttish procedure i often failed to understand.I was stuck for an hour registering to the new blogger :B... i guess im still not allowed to say im computer literate.

Have been busy with ACELS lately.Doing different kinda shyte that i didnt ask for.Please, i only want the proof reader post, im not megalomaniac!Final straw on tomorrow.

Met fuzaidah the other day, i called her, she turned, and suddenly after scrutinising my pretty face for a minute, she said "aku kenal engko"... seems that she is no longger the tall one, or taller one... but still kinda reasonably tall... but still im taller... i should get over with this shyte!But anyhow, nice to know that she still recognised me after 7 years... hell... i still cant believe i wrote that!

I'm a free man again!About 4 hours ago i sent a break up msg, and about 3 hours 30 minutes ago, or approximately 30 minutes ago, i sent a break up call.All for a half a month relationship.Please, you've been making me a scatterbrain, and is still doing it (not since 30 minutes ago).And how i wish all the time and money i spent on her (especially yesterday) was spent on studies and investing on a long saught mp4 player.

How i wish you are back :B

Hell,i should be focusing on my lecture.Am using the lab's computer :B