**For future reference Zaid of the future, your sleeping pattern was disturbed and you should've been sleeping while you were posting this stuff at 9.15pm :| **

Since I'm kinda sleepy and there's not much time left until 2010 passes by under our pretty noses, I have elected to write a gung ho style post, highlighting my (somewhat deviated) journey to becoming a proper adult in 2010 into one single post. Unlike the previous years, I believe this one will be rather short. But who cares. Here goes :
January :
Malaysian politics is very colourful, it's blinding. And one of the reason was the hullabaloo surrounding the dispute whether the word Allah can be used in a Christian publication in Malaysia. I was engaged in a cyber war with a senior from my uni regarding the issue, and I was surprised as to how smart I can be in my reasoning skills. Refer to my January 8th post and marvel at my smarty-panty-ness in the dialog attached if you have a lot of time to kill.
I was also in the middle of a cross road back then, when I was contemplating to either continue
my studies in the UK, or continue my degree locally and grad one semester ear
lier. I chose the later, and I'm not regretting the decision. Though the only way now if I am to want to continue abroad is to study my ass off (again), get a stellar CGPA and do my masters there (and getting a scholarship). Masters? Yea rite...
February :
World peace is hard to achieve when there's a feeling of dislike towards one another, mutually or otherwise. And I have my own list of people I don't like in my life (aka enemies), and one of them made a return to the place he was not meant to be, where I thought I had seen the last of him a couple of months before. Need a clue? He's the closest resemblance to a swine in the whole batch physically and such an attention whore.
I had a very cool lecturer who taught me presentation skills that semester, Mr Azahari. He looks like Ramli Sarip and has a good sense of humour. I like him, I wanna be like him.
February was also the month where I genuinely fell in love with a girl while taking the train
home. She's from Kemunting.
And I discovered the joy of wintermelon juice :B

March :
I was planning to celebrate my 22nd birthday at The Curve, enjoying the tunes from Kings of Convenience as they toured to our country during my birthday. It was not to be as I had to join a "Personal Development" trip (it's a course work at the same time), and Encik Roslan Ariff will forever be remembered for taking KOC away from me.
I also discovered that Nasi Putih Daging Merah tastes like feet.
April :
Miss Syikin who taught me Corporate Finance sent me a facebook PM telling me to actually start studying during the final weeks leading up to the final exams. Kinda disturbing.
May :
I was experimenting whether discipline is part of my trait or I'm a complete asshole by dragging myself into a mess called a to-do list, which is inspired by Mike Gayle's book of the same title. Which I haven't finished reading yet. Until now. And about the list itself, it has 79 items in it, created to keep me occupied with stuffs that supposedly make me a functioning adult and to spend time better during the May/June semester break. And in spite of bringing the list forward to the Nov/Dec holiday plan, I still haven't gotten half of them settled with yet. Aih~
June :
The World Cup was boring. The Vuvuzela single handedly destroyed the World Cup with the nonsensical monotonous din coming out from the stuff for the entire 90 minutes of each game (barring the Diego Forlan goal, Uruguay vs South Africa), and the entirety of the tournament. I wasn't even bothered to watch it on TV because of the noise. The worst World Cup I've ever seen in my 22 years of living. And Italy sucked.
Then there was this problem where the UiTM server went nuts and I (and thousands
other)had to wait till the next day after the supposed date where the final exam results should came out cos of technical problems.

July :
Discovered that Nazrullah from Marketing is a super hero as he single handedly drove the legendary white Nissan (or was it a Ford?) van around Kedah/parts of Penang (air panas, air terjun, shopping mall) from Friday noon to morning the next day. The van had 15 passengers (I think) and popular belief suggests that Naz stayed up for 22 hours straight!

August :
Not much that I can remember.
September :
Got a car. Hyundai i10. Baby Milmo arrived! :D
October :
Baby Milmo's first scratch.
Second solo trip to Langkawi. And if not for Wan, the trip would've been a one day retreat to paradise. Instead, I had to spend a night there as we missed the ferry, and a few hundred ringgit more.

November :
Got a first hand experience of being a flood victim. No clean water supply forced me into taking drastic actions such as skipping baths and being stinky. And trying not to poo took it's toll too. And it all hapened during the final exams.
Wikileaks has become a diplomatic land mine as sensitive issues such as security and Anwar Ibrahim being gay are leaked.
ISP Liability Act suddenly ruffles my ass feathers and many others as the parliament might discuss it and pass the act, and rob us of internet freedom we've been enjoying for the past 10 years.
December :
Got into a fight with some Indon people on Twitter after the 3-0 drubbing of Indon by Malaysia in the first leg of the AFF Suzuki Cup and at the same time, discovered the joy of using twitter. It was fun when the most the Indon die hards could do was sitting in front of their PCs threatening to kill me with their self-consoling retorts.
Malaysia won the cup and Khairul Fahmi is now the craze of a few thousand shameless Malaysian females.
Alright now, gotta sleep. :B